
23461-23475 of 24813 Articles
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Michael Matheson The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) was not informed about a change in the gathering of operational statements until it was announced in the Scottish Parliament, it has emerged.

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Professor Robert Black QC Figures closely linked to the Lockerbie bombing and the subsequent investigation and trial are among those who have been sentenced to death in Libya.

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Heather Pearson Last week’s media coverage of rising house costs and predictions of a growing private rental sector has again brought the issue of Scotland’s housing needs into focus. But while public perception traditionally favours home ownership, a stronger private rental sector will benefit

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House prices in Aberdeen have remained steady in the second quarter of 2015 but the volume of sales has dropped, according to new figures. A new report published by Aberdeen Solicitors' Property Centre Limited (ASPC), in co-operation with the University of Aberdeen, Business School, Centre for Real

23461-23475 of 24813 Articles