
23476-23490 of 25925 Articles
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BAILII have now completed their work of loading a large number of historic Scottish case reports provided to them by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting (SCLR) on to the BAILII database for open access. The database includes: Decisions of the Court of Session:

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Catherine McKinnell Labour's Shadow Attorney General Catherine McKinnell has quit the shadow cabinet over concerns about the direction of Labour under leader Jeremy Corbyn.

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Lord Carloway The Right Honourable Lord Carloway, who was installed as the new Lord Justice General and Lord President of the Court of Session today, has brought into question the survival of the “jewel in the crown” of Scots law – the 140 day rule – describing it as a “narrow window”.

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A group of people camping on the grounds of Holyrood who refuse to move until Scotland becomes independent said they will fight a legal bid to get rid of them and argued they have a right at common law to remain on the land. The campaigners said they have lodged papers at the Court of Session after

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Scotland’s new Sheriff Appeal Court will now hear civil appeals from sheriff courts, after its jurisdiction in civil cases came into effect this week. The new court, which is presided over by appeal sheriffs, is meant to improve efficiency by: removing this business from the Court of Session; ensu

23476-23490 of 25925 Articles