
23521-23535 of 24813 Articles
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George Osborne The UK government is bringing forward legislation to improve the governance of the Bank of England and consolidate its financial regulation powers.

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Philip Rodney Philip Rodney chairman of Burness Paull comes under the SLN Spotlight this week.

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A report examining LGBT equality in Scotland has found that while advances have been made in legal and social attitudes towards LGBT people they still face widespread inequality. The Scottish LGBT Equality Report is a state of the nation report on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people

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Responding to the English High Court ruling that the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 (DRIPA) is illegal, Tim Musson, convener of the Law Society of Scotland's Privacy Law Committee said: “This is a welcome judgment by the High Court. “A year ago this legislation was fast-tracked

23521-23535 of 24813 Articles