
23641-23655 of 24804 Articles
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A campaign organisation has claimed that plans to appoint a "named person" to each child in Scotland have been dealt a blow by negative consultation responses. However, the Scottish government says the majority of the 133 individual consultation submissions in question "did not engage with the consu

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David Chalmers (left) and James Muir at Stronachs’ Aberdeen headquarters. Stronachs LLP has announced the appointment of two new partners and associate promotions across its commercial and private client teams.

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An employment tribunal has ruled that Vista Hotels did not follow procedure when dismissing a chef who bit two police officers and spat blood at them. James Harvey, who was head chef at the four-star Fermain Valley Hotel in Guernsey, was awarded £11,000 after the tribunal ruled his dismissal for "g

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Scottish Secretary David Mundell Calls have been made for more welfare powers for the Scottish Parliament in debates on the Scotland Bill in the House of Commons with the SNP calling for full control over working age benefits and other welfare powers.

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An inquiry into the UK's future relationship with the European Union is to be conducted by the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee. The inquiry will look at the implications for Scotland of the proposed referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU and the UK government

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Theresa May Schools, universities, prisons, local authorities and NHS Scotland are among bodies who will face a statutory obligation to prevent radicalisation within their walls from tomorrow.

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Michael Sheridan explores whether punishments dealt out under Scotland's new drink driving legislation are proportionate. From 5 December 2014, it became a criminal offence in Scotland to drive a motor vehicle with more than 0.05 per cent alcohol in the blood stream. This compared with the higher li

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A woman who made false domestic abuse allegations has been sentenced to two months imprisonment while her mother has been handed a community payback order. At Jedburgh Sheriff Court Sheriff Kevin Drummond QC sentenced Gayle Hunter to two months imprisonment and imposed a community payback order on h

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A chance discovery of a centuries-old Scottish court case about a child forced to work as a stage attraction, “the tumbling lassie”, has inspired a group of advocates to raise cash to help fight modern-day slavery. The girl had been “bought” from her mother and used by a travelling showman a

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From back left: Jack Robertson, Victoria McLaren, Zoe Irving, Cara McGlynn, Scott MilneFrom front left: Saima Ali, Sarah Matheson, Megan Patterson Thorntons has appointed seven trainees this month.

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Justice Secretary Michael Matheson MSP Police Scotland is facing questions from Justice Secretary Michael Matheson about its fleet of luxury cars - including BMWs and Land Rovers - for senior officers and staff.

23641-23655 of 24804 Articles