
24286-24300 of 24796 Articles
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The number of cash sales on houses worth over half a million pounds was up 19.6 per cent in 2014, according to figures from Registers of Scotland(RoS). A total of 599 homes that were sold for upwards of £500,000 were paid for in cash last year, compared to 501 in 2013.

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A report setting out the progress made throughout 2014 to implement the UK government's counter-terrorism strategy has been published by the home secretary Theresa May. It outlines the current threat to the country from terrorism and how the government is responding using the four-strand structure o

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The Faculty of Advocates is to present its eighthWorld Intellectual Property Day Conference and is expecting once again to have to post the “Full House” signs. The free event will be held on Friday, 24 April, and those wishing to attend are being encouraged to register soon to avoid disappointme

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Lord Prosser The Faculty of Advocates paid tribute to William David Prosser, Lord Prosser, former dean of Faculty and a senator of the College of Justice who has died aged 80.

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An environmental group which challenged a Scottish local authority’s decision to grant planning permission for a new secondary school to be built in the Fife countryside has had a petition for judicial review dismissed. A judge in the Court of Session ruled that the council’s decision was “law

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The number of people granting power of attorney (POA) to a friend or relative has increased following a campaign to raise awareness of the facility. The number of people who have registered a POA with the Office of the Public Guardian has gone up by about a third – 34 per cent – over the last 12

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The licensing of air weapons has today come a step closer following the publication of the Scottish parliament’s local government and regenerationcommittee’s stage one report on the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill. Whilst supporting plans to license air weapons, the committee is callin

24286-24300 of 24796 Articles