An appeal by two landlords against a decision requiring them to pay a tenant thrice the deposit for a lease which they failed to timeously repay has been refused by judges in the Court of Session. An Extra Division of the Inner House comprising Lord Drummond Young, Lord Malcolm and Sheriff Principal
Alison Saunders In a major change to the investigation of sex offences, men accused of date rape will need to convince the police that the woman gave her consent to sex.
The Scottish government has offered its support to Liberty’s “common values” campaign. The campaign aims to broaden understanding and respect for human rights and counter the damaging myths and misunderstandings that have grown around it.
Aberdeen Solicitors’ Property Centre Limited in cooperation with the University of Aberdeen, Business School, Centre for Real Estate Research have published statistics for the fourth quarter of 2014 relating to the Aberdeen housing market. The main points arising from the report are:
Fraser Hardie (pictured right), has joined the firm to head up the firm’s Edinburgh office, working within the commercial property group. With experience in property and construction legal work, Mr Hardie has served as a partner with four other major law firms.
More funding is being made available for projects designed to tackle female offending in Scotland after justice secretary Michael Matheson today announced an additional £1.5 million would be made available. It follows the decision earlier this week that plans for a female prison at HMP Inverclyde w
In response to the announcement by the lord president, Lord Gill on the timetable for reform of Scotland’s civil courts, Alistair Morris, president of the Law Society of Scotland said: “The timetable for reform set out by the lord president is set to transform our civil courts through the use of
Alistair C. Clark
A father who took out after-the-event (ATE) insurance for a legal dispute with his son cannot recover the premium as part of his expenses, after the UK Supreme Court ruled that it was not a recoverable cost against the unsuccessful party in legal proceedings. A panel of three justices unanimously he
Solicitor Charles Milne, chairman of Kingdom Housing Association (pictured) and, until recently a legal member of the Parole Board for Scotland has welcomed the justice minister’s decision to scrap the proposed new prison for women offenders which was to have been located in Greenock. Acknowledgin
Partners and staff at Shepherd and Wedderburnhave raised over £18,000 for The Yard, a purpose built indoor and outdoor adventure playground in Edinburgh for children and young people with disabilities. The sum was raised by a variety of means over 2014, including bake sales, dress-down days, abseil
A range of proposals intended to “revitalise” tenant farming in Scotland have been unveiled by rural affairs minister Richard Lochhead (pictured). Measures including the creation of a tenant farming commissioner, opportunities for apprentices and new types of tenancy are among 49 recommendations
Experts and parents of children with special needs are campaigning for new rules on restraining such children in Scottish schools. The Scottish government is being petitioned to compile guidelines following such incidences in school as “prone restraint, inappropriate wheelchair restraint and child
A lawyer representing victims of two north east offshore helicopter crashes has reacted to a report published today by the Civil Aviation Authority(CAA). Digby Brown Solicitors partner Lisa Gregory(pictured) represents survivors of Super Puma crashes off Aberdeen in 2012 and off Sumburgh in the Shet