
11281-11295 of 25351 Articles
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Scottish Labour MSP Elaine Smith has this week launched a public consultation on a proposal for a bill that seeks to enshrine the human right to food, as recognised by the United Nations, into Scots law. The bill, entitled the Right to Food (Scotland) Bill also seeks to establish an independent stat

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The Rev Alistair McGregor QC has passed away peacefully. The Faculty of Advocates said in a statement it was saddened to learn of his death. He joined the bar in 1967 and took silk in 1982 before leaving to become a Church of Scotland minister.

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A "high degree of convergence" in data protection law between the UK and the EU is important for their future relationship, a new report published by the European Commission has said. The two-year review of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has found that it has met most of its objective

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New guidance has been issued which aims to ensure that moving home in Scotland can happen safely during the coronavirus outbreak. Having announced on June 18 that restrictions on housing moves will be relaxed from June 29, the Scottish government has now published more detailed guidance on how

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Predictive policing is no longer just science fiction, as Benjamin Bestgen explains. See his last jurisprudential primer here. Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report is a short story probably better known through its movie adaptation: three mutants with the ability to foresee crimes before they happ

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A bitter row between two neighbours over the paternity of five goats has ended up in court. Florida woman Kris Hedstrom demanded DNA from the father of five goats she bought from her neighbour Heather Dayner for $900 (around €800) in December.

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Peter Braid installed today as a senator of the College of Justice at a ceremony held in Parliament House, where social distancing was observed. Lord Braid was installed before a bench of two judges, the Lord President, Lord Carloway, and the Lord Justice Clerk, Lady Dorrian.

11281-11295 of 25351 Articles