
11296-11310 of 25351 Articles
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On Thursday 2 July, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Scotland will host a webinar to discuss the risks and opportunities for effective participation posed by the recent expansion in use of remote hearings in Scotland’s courts and tribunals. The webinar follows on from the commission

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Terra Firma is pleased to announce the next in its 2020 Vision series of webinars: 2020 Vision: Bringing Clarity to Planning Law, will be broadcast on Zoom at 11am on Monday 29 June 2020. James Findlay QC and Alasdair Burnet will provide an update on recent case law from the Supreme Court, the Inner

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The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is holding an online event this Friday to highlight some of the practical applications of the ideas found in two concept notes on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on commercial contracts. These argued amongst other measures for a

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A lawyer who responded to a misconduct investigation with "BOOM SHAKALAKA" was rightfully suspended, a court has found. Massachusetts attorney Ilya Liviz was suspended in April 2019 after failing to respond to requests for information during an investigation into alleged professional misconduct.

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The High Court of Justiciary has ruled that the incorporation of a firearm into a dual-purpose object does not mean that it cannot be regarded as “disguised as another object” under section 5(1A)(a) of the Firearms Act 1968. The first Lord Advocate’s Reference&n

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The Scottish Law Agents Society (SLAS) has passed a motion of no confidence in the budget of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC). SLAS held its annual general meeting on 18 June using Zoom video conferencing.

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The Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) has conducted its first ever virtual hearing session in a planning appeal. At stake was the scale and extent of education contributions that could be required from housing development in Edinburgh.

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RSB Lindsays is optimistic that housing demand will return to pre-lockdown levels once business resumes. The firm expects some 600 home viewings in Dundee when the Scottish government allows the market to reopen.

11296-11310 of 25351 Articles