
11521-11535 of 25342 Articles
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Further concerns have been raised about the independence of the judiciary in Poland after a judge linked to the ruling right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party was appointed head of the Supreme Court. Małgorzata Manowska, a 55-year-old judge who briefly served as a deputy justice minister in a PiS-le

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Benjamin Bestgen discusses law in utopian fiction. See his last jurisprudential primer here. Dystopian fiction has enjoyed significant popularity again in recent years: Day of the Oprichnik or Hunger Games followed the footsteps of classics like The Handmaid’s Tale, 1984, The Dispossessed, Dar

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A suspected "spy pigeon" has been captured by Indian authorities in Kashmir close to the country's border with Pakistan. Security agencies are trying to establish whether the pigeon was trained in Pakistan to carry messages across the border, Sky News reports.

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A woman has been ordered to remove photos of her grandchildren from her social media accounts after a judge ruled that the matter was covered by the GPDR. The children's mother launched legal proceedings in the Dutch city of Arnhem after her own mother, with whom her relationship broke down a year a

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Bill Gates famously said “intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana”. If this suggests he is not a huge fan of intellectual property rights that is certainly not reflected by Microsoft, the company in which he made his fortune. Microsoft has an enormous patent portfolio in exc

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Volkswagen must reimburse motorists who bought vehicles fitted with "defeat devices" designed to cheat emissions tests, Germany's highest civil court has ruled. The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe yesterday handed down its ruling in a test case brought by Herbert Gilbert, who bought a second-h

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Claims have been lodged in courts in Belfast and in London on behalf of easyJet customers affected by the airline's recent data breach. In a statement last week, the airline said that nine million customers had their email addresses and travel details exposed in a data breach notified to the UK auth

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Lawrie IP, an independent Scottish intellectual property firm based in Glasgow, has grown its total turnover to £2.6 million from £2.2m in the last year. Dr Donald Lawrie launched Lawrie IP in 2010 and it has expanded steadily with an increase in turnover of almost 200 per cent in t

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A growing number of offenders who avoid custodial sentences are instead being given informal community orders. Figures published by the Ministry of Justice show that nearly three quarters of out of court disposals consisted of community resolution orders last year, an increase of 56 per cent on 2015

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A prosecutor has resigned after visiting the home of a journalist in Tokyo to play mahjong during Japan's lockdown. Hiromu Kurokawa, 63, head of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, gambled with the reporters, according to weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun, in violation of the state-of-emergency m

11521-11535 of 25342 Articles