
11626-11640 of 25342 Articles
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Sheriff courts can now proceed to hear and dispose of cases where it is agreed by parties that they can be resolved without the need for a trial. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, criminal court business in Scotland is currently limited to urgent and essential business which includes custody hearings

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Emergency measures that aim to protect people facing financial hardship and allow public services to operate effectively have been introduced at Holyrood in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Key elements of the Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Bill include a proposed additional £19.2 million

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Payment of half of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) levy has been deferred until December 1. The move comes after talks between the SLCC and the Law Society of Scotland over the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the legal profession, clients and public.

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Rachel Wood WS, an experienced Scottish solicitor will join the senior leadership team of the Law Society of Scotland next week as the new executive director of regulation. Ms Wood has over 25 years' experience in the legal sector and significant experience in risk and compliance, people leadership

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Karen Dance looks at certain law reforms in the context of the latest personal injury court statistics. From 27 April 2020, Scottish solicitors have been able to enter into agreements with their clients in all personal injury claims to take a percentage share of damages as a fee for success. The leg

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The funeral of Derek Ogg QC (which will be restricted to 20 people due to COVID-19) will take place on Friday 15 May, at 3pm. Due to the restriction on numbers, the funeral can be viewed remotely by live link. Anyone wishing to do so must send an email to either or lmglanc

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TLT's former managing partner David Pester has started a new role as head of strategic growth at the UK firm, which has offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow. After 19 years as managing partner, he will work with the leadership team to deliver a strategic growth programme to support existing clients and

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A judge has questioned the decision to prosecute a homeless man for breaching coronavirus laws by leaving his home. Sultan Monsour, 45, was arrested in London and charged with being "outside of the place where you were living, namely no fixed address", The Guardian reports.

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An Inverness Sheriff Court commercial case will provide the first opportunity to test the use of virtual court hearings in Scotland’s sheriff courts.  Tuesday’s hearing will enable parties in the case to appear before Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle in a virtual courtroom.

11626-11640 of 25342 Articles