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Businesses and the public in Scotland are now required by law to follow necessary social distancing measures to slow the spread of coronavirus. The Scottish government is using powers from the Coronavirus Bill to make it a criminal offence to flout the strict public health guidance that is helping s

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A solicitor who specialises in contract law expects we will soon see an increased appetite for inserting ‘virus clauses’ into future contracts as a result of the current COVID-19 crisis. Stephen Cotton, partner at Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP, said: “Hindsight is a wonderfu

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It is encouraging that companies are pausing before enforcing some contractual rights in favour of a collaborative, pragmatic approach to issues caused by coronavirus. In advising a range of businesses on their response to the crisis, our experience is that companies are not rushing to strictly enfo

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Bobby Lindsay, lecturer in private Law at Glasgow University, attempted to "spice up" his Zoom tutorial by appearing in front of the poster for 2003 action comedy blockbuster Bad Boys II, starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith.

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Irwin Mitchell has published its latest pay gap report which shows that for the third consecutive year the national law firm has narrowed its gap. Gender pay gap reporting was introduced by the UK government in 2017 and all companies with over 250 employees are required to report on their gende

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A round-up of human rights stories from around the world. Hungary: Orban seeks indefinite power in virus bill | EUobserver

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An accused who told a Scottish judge she was 'a f.....g old boot' has been given an extra three months' jail to cool his heels. Gary McGuiness, who was in the dock after being apprehended with a machete, made his outburst against Sheriff Frances McCartney after she denied him bail.

11986-12000 of 25342 Articles