
12256-12270 of 25342 Articles
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Sheriffs, summary sheriffs and lawyers at Glasgow Sheriff Court are to stop routinely wearing wigs and gowns in civil proceedings. Practitioners should hang up their court dress from March 2, a practice note from the Sheriffdom of Glasgow and Strathkelvin states.

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New hearing facilities for the additional support needs jurisdiction within the Health and Education Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland in Glasgow were formally opened yesterday by May Dunsmuir, Chamber President of the Health and Education Chamber and the Minister for Children and Youn

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A successful young solicitor from Ayr who was due to be sentenced for a driving offence has sadly died. Kay McFarlane, 34, was to be sentenced at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court last Thursday after having crashed her car at Crosshouse Hospital last summer when she was over the drink-drive limit.

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From "parking fines" to "post-mortems", it is "all in a day’s work" for procurator fiscal depute Karon Rollo, who visited Kilgraston School to explain her role to pupils. Speaking as part of Kilgraston’s Women and Business series, Ms Rollo gripped her audience, of Upper Fourth and Lower

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A respected dance school is facing a lawsuit from a student who says she sustained injuries after being made to lift a "significantly" heavier partner. Charlotte Vanweersch, 26, claims that the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds was negligent in pairing her up with the other woman.

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Custodial sentences for periods of 12 months or less have fallen to their lowest point since the introduction of a presumption against short sentences. The scheme – which the Scottish government has named 'PASS' – resulted in the lowest number of custodial sentences in November and Decem

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MacRoberts has won a place on the highly competitive legal panel for SSE plc. SSE opened the tender for its legal panel roster in September of last year and 40 firms applied to take part in the procurement process. Following extensive review, MacRoberts joins Dentons, DLA Piper, and TLT as new panel

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Sex offence rates in Glasgow have declined by 22.5 per cent in the nine months to December 31, 2019, according to police figures. The number of such crimes recorded in the division dropped from 837 to 648 as compared with the same period in the preceding year.

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A new review has been launched into claims by two businessmen that the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) nearly drove them to bankruptcy. The allegations, which have been staunchly denied by RBS focus on the bank's now-inoperative Global Restructuring Group (GRG), which was found to have mistreated thous

12256-12270 of 25342 Articles