
12541-12555 of 25351 Articles
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The number of legal professionals in the UK and Ireland contacting the charity LawCare for emotional support continues to rise year on year, with 677 people seeking help in 2019. The charity, which runs a helpline, webchat, email and peer support service for the legal profession received over 900 co

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NHS England is facing a legal bill of £4.3 billion to settle its outstanding medical negligence claims, according to new figures. Figures released to the BBC under freedom of information legislation show that the health service expects to have to pay a large sum to lawyers in order to settle a

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A police officer who lives directly above his police station and who would clock in for work in his pants before returning to his flat to get dressed did nothing wrong, a court has ruled. Police officer Alberto Muraglia, 58, was caught on a hidden camera clocking in at his office in just a T-shirt a

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The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published its final Age Appropriate Design Code – a set of 15 standards that online services should meet to protect children’s privacy. The code sets out the standards expected of those responsible for designing, developing or pr

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The Scottish Council of Law Reporting (SCLR) has overhauled and relaunched its website at to give it a more modern, friendly and mobile device compatible look. The same wealth of information is still there including the popular links and resources page edited by Iain Ni

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The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has fined Fender Europe £4.5 million for breaking competition law by preventing online discounting for its guitars. Guitars make up a significant part of the wider musical instrument sector which has an estimated turnover in the UK of around £4

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Witnesses and complainants have been told to bring their own water and tissues to court after a cash-strapped courthouse scrapped its provisions. The money-saving move applies across the board, meaning police, prosecutors and defence lawyers will also be denied free water and tissues.

12541-12555 of 25351 Articles