
12556-12570 of 25351 Articles
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Apex Property Factor has been removed from the official register of property factors for failing to meet minimum standards of practice. The company was removed under section 8 of the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 on 10 April 2019 after it was deemed by the Scottish government to no longer mee

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Tayside-based Miller Hendry has started the New Year with the promotion of three key staff members. Mhairi Cage, based in the Perth office, and Julie Darroch, based in the Crieff office, have been promoted to senior associate, while Lindsay Kirkwood, based in the Dundee office, has been promote

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The value of major fraud cases going through the Scottish courts increased by £11 million, according to the latest data from KPMG’s Fraud Barometer, which analyses alleged fraud worth more than £100,000. Cases, valued at more than £15.6m (£15,669,670), were heard in cou

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Andrew Ireland offers his personal insights on recent mediations in which he has been involved, contrasting them with his experience of pre-trial meetings in personal injury cases. Recent articles in Scottish Legal News by Julie Hamilton of MacRoberts, David Hossack of Morton Fraser and by the Vice

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The wreck of the RMS Titanic will be better protected under an historic international agreement between the UK and the US. On a visit to Belfast today, maritime minister Nusrat Ghani confirmed that the treaty signed by the UK in 2003 will into force following its ratification by US Secretary of

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Controversial plans to allow judges in Poland to be sacked have been dealt a major set-back after they were rejected by the upper house of the country's parliament. The governing right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party, which won a second successive majority in last year's elections, is pressing on w

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Two judges will be speaking at an event on diversity in the judiciary in Glasgow next month. Attendees at the event hosted by SEMLA and Ellis Whittam will hear from Mr Justice Choudhury and Sheriff Aisha Anwar on their paths to the bench.

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The Edinburgh Tax Network, in conjunction with Terra Firma Chambers, will present a seminar entitled “(Tax) Year End Planning for Individuals & Owner Managed Businesses?” on Thursday 20th February 2020 at the Mackenzie Building, Old Assembly Close, Edinburgh. The speaker will be Mike

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A judge cited hit TV sitcom Seinfeld as he allowed an appeal from a man convicted in absentia after missing a rescheduled court hearing. The man had attended court on time for the original scheduled hearing, which was subsequently cancelled, but then missed the rescheduled hearing by a couple of hou

12556-12570 of 25351 Articles