
1276-1290 of 24813 Articles
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New bans on parking on dropped footways, parking on pavements and double parking will be enforced from next week. From Monday 11 December, all local authority areas in Scotland will be able to start enforcing the new prohibitions under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 by issuing penalty charge noti

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Joanna Cherry KC MP is to bring a private members' bill proposing that power to amend the role of Scotland's law officers, including the lord advocate, be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish government is currently considering whether the lord advocate's roles as head of the independen

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A watered-down bill to protect children's rights has been passed by the Scottish Parliament more than two years after the original version was ruled by the Supreme Court to be beyond the devolved chamber's powers. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) Bill requires

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People in Scotland are more likely to support human rights than not and are increasingly worried about having fewer human rights, according to new research. YouGov research published by the Scottish Human Rights Commission shows that almost half of people in Scotland support human rights. Support fo

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A woman who admitted to assaulting a fast food worker has been sentenced to two months' work in a fast food restaurant. Rosemary Hayne, 39, threw a burrito bowl in the face of the manager of a Chipotle restaurant in Ohio in an assault which was captured on video and went viral on social media.

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A farm labourer who acted as an illegal gangmaster has been fined £400. Dean Currie, 33, pleaded guilty at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court to receiving just over £6,000 for illegally supplying workers to pick potatoes at a number of farms in Fife.

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A national strategy to prevent and address violence against women and girls has been renewed. Equally Safe, a joint strategy with COSLA, was first published in 2014, and is backed by the Delivering Equally Safe Fund that is providing £19 million per year to support 121 projects from 112 organi

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An academic is looking for participants for her research on inequalities in knowledge production in criminology and learning in Scotland. Janine Ewen, an early career researcher based at the University of Aberdeen, is carrying out a qualitative ethnographic study via interviews.

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The Junior Bar Association has reserved the Laigh Hall at the Court of Session for the International Christmas Court later this month.

1276-1290 of 24813 Articles