Increasing Your Influence | CLT Scotland

Location: Virtual / 3hrs’ verifiable CPD
Weds 15th January, 9.15am

Prices: £127.50 + VAT (member) / £255 + VAT (non-member)

Almost everything you do professionally takes skilful conversation and the ability to talk with influence.

Working with others means navigating conflicting ideas, harnessing the best options, and building a way forward. If you want to manage expectations, influence stakeholders or negotiate a position, this advanced master class shows you how. Learn how to tackle tough conversations, antidote arguments with confidence, and inspire positive change within your organisation.

This interactive experiential web-workshop will help you:

  • re-think influence and communication
  • critically work through what people are saying
  • spot the merit and motivation of their positions
  • build logical compelling arguments
  • creatively resolve difficult conversations and negotiate solutions
  • deal with bad feelings, politics, and common interpersonal conflict

To book click here.