Islamic Wills - drafting, succession and planning | CLT Scotland
Location: Virtual / 2hrs’ verifiable CPD
Weds 22nd January, 9.15am
Prices: £85 + VAT (member) / £170 + VAT (non-member)*
How many Muslim clients does your firm have? How many have an Islamic will?
Under Islamic law (the Shari’a) a Muslim with wealth is under a duty to write a will. There are a number of conflicts between Scots Law and the Shari’a. If intestacy provisions are left to apply the result will differ from what is required under Islamic personal law. Where the estate exceeds the value of the nil rate band tax planning becomes essential.
After attending the seminar, delegates will have an understanding of:
- the main tenets of Shari’a Law in relation to succession
- how to draft legacies for a Shari’a compliant will
- how to deal with the residue in a Shari’a compliant will
- the proper execution of a Shari’a compliant will
This event is sponsored by Title Research
To book click here.