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21st January 2025
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Sheriff makes 25 recommendations after inquiry into two suicides in young offenders institution

By Mitchell Skilling

Sheriff makes 25 recommendations after inquiry into two suicides in young offenders institution

A sheriff has determined that the deaths of two young people in a young offenders institution in Falkirk could have been avoided if reasonable precautions had been taken, and made 25 recommendations to improve the Scottish Prison Service.

Katie Allan and William Brown, aged 21 and 16 respectively, both took their own lives by hanging whilst they were detained at the Polmont Young Offenders Institution in 2018. Whilst their deaths were not directly connected, the decision was taken to hold a single inquiry, it appearing to the Lord Advocate that their deaths occurred in similar circumstances.

The inquiry was conducted by Sheriff Simon Collins at Falkirk Sheriff Court, with the Crown represented by Ms Cross, Senior Advocate Depute, and Mr Halliday, advocate. Other parties represented included the SPS, the Scottish Prison Officers Association, and members of both families.

Factors not noted

Katie Allan pled guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving after she struck a pedestrian while driving home under the influence of alcohol in August 2017. Although she had no previous convictions and was noted to be highly remorseful, she was sentenced to 16 months’ detention, which distressed and shocked her.

Although SPS staff were aware of Katie’s history of self-harm, this information was not recorded and they did not seek any information in relation to her medical or mental health history from her family or NHS staff. However, as her sentence progressed her mental health began to deteriorate, as well as her alopecia returning. After a series of distressing events from 1 to 3 June 2018, she was found hanging from a metal toilet cubicle door stop in her cell on the morning of 4 June.

William Brown walked into a Glasgow police station carrying a knife on 3 October 2018, while on deferred sentence for other offences. A social care officer expressed concerns that he was a suicide risk, but as no beds were available in secure units he was taken to Polmont. On admission he was put on the Talk To Me programme with a requirement that he be subject to 30-minute observations, but he was accommodated in a standard cell containing a double bunk bed.

On 5 October, the decision was taken to remove William from TTM, notwithstanding the documentation that he was a suicide risk. He was not reassessed or put back on TTM even when further information underlining his risk of suicide was presented to SPS staff. He was found hanged in his cell on the morning of 7 October, having used a torn bedsheet to hang himself from the bunk bed.

The Crown submitted that although Katie clearly had difficulty adjusting to her time in custody, multiple factors recognised as suicide factors were not noted or picked up on by staff. Six reasonable precautions were suggested that, taken in cumulo, might have prevented her death, and separately it was submitted that the metal door stop could have been replaced with one that could not be used as an anchor point. In relation to William, defects in the TTM strategy, including its reliance on self-reporting, were identified, as well as systemic failures in the prison system in common with Katie’s case.

Known risk

In his decision, Sheriff Collins noted the unusual nature of the inquiry, saying: “Since 2010 more than ten children and young persons have died by suicide in Polmont, and more than a hundred prisoners have died by suicide across the whole Scottish prison estate. Each of these deaths will have generated a FAI. Yet seldom have such inquiries made significant findings in relation to precautions or defective systems of work, nor have they made substantial recommendations for a change of approach to suicide prevention”.

He continued: “Meantime deaths by suicide continue to occur in Scottish prisons, and at a rate which appears, as detailed below, to be markedly in excess both of the suicide rate in the Scottish population generally, and the suicide rate to be found in almost all other prison populations in Europe.”

In respect of Katie’s death, the sheriff said: “The simple fact is that none of the many people who gave evidence in relation to their contact with Katie while she was in Polmont thought that she was at risk of suicide. Indeed, a theme which emerged from the witnesses’ evidence was to the effect that Katie was the last person whom they would have expected to take her own life.”

However, he continued: “In Katie’s case the death was suicide by self-ligature from the rectangular door stop in cell 1/33 on 3 June 2018. It would have been a reasonable precaution to have removed and replaced that door stop with an anti-ligature stop prior to this date, standing the known risk that it presented and the ease with which it could have been removed. Had this been done, the death which Katie suffered could not and would not have occurred.”

Individual and collective failures

Turning to William Brown, Sheriff Collins said: “William’s death resulted from a catalogue of individual and collective failures by prison and healthcare staff in Polmont. Almost all of those who interacted with him were at fault to some extent. Looked at broadly, and as SPS pithily submitted, the decision to put William on TTM following the RRA on 4 October 2018 was plainly correct, and the decision to remove him from TTM following the case conference on 5 October 2018 was plainly wrong.”

He added: “It would have been a reasonable precaution to have removed double bunk beds from use in relation to all single occupancy cells for young prisoners in Polmont prior to 2018. This could have been done relatively cheaply and easily, and did not require substantial capital expenditure. Had this precaution been taken, William could not have been accommodated in a cell with a double bunk bed at the time when he was, and so would have been unable to self-ligature as he did on the night of 6 - 7 October 2018.”

Sheriff Collins concluded: “In common with all the participants in the inquiry, I offer my condolences to the families of Katie and William. I would wish to particularly acknowledge the contributions of Linda and Stuart Allan, at least one of whom attended every day of the inquiry, and whose dignity and courage were evident throughout.”

The sheriff therefore concluded that both deaths could have been prevented by the taking of reasonable precautions, and made 25 recommendations, including in relation to the TTM programme, the training of SPS staff, and on ligature prevention in cells as an aspect of suicide prevention policy.

People’s panel recommends action on Scotland’s drugs emergency

People’s panel recommends action on Scotland's drugs emergency

A cultural change and “brave and bold action” are required to tackle a “public health emergency” created by drug use in Scotland, according to a report sent to MSPs by a people’s panel.

The panellists’ report recognises that progress has been made, but says that further action is needed. It calls for public campaigns to raise awareness of drug harm and drug use, recommends funding should be ring fenced and prioritised on prevention and seeks improvements in information shared between government agencies.

However, the introduction of the Naloxone programme to prevent fatal drug overdoses, and the opening of the safer drug consumption room, The Thistle, are welcomed in the report.

The panel’s report also calls for greater involvement of the third sector and people with lived experience. It concludes that a lack of urgency in responding to drug harm and use reinforces the stigma already associated with these issues.

The creation of the people’s panel, formed of 23 people, was requested by the cross-committee on tackling drug deaths and drug harms. Members of the Criminal Justice Committee, Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, and Social Justice and Social Security Committee commissioned the panel to gather public views on the question, ‘What does Scotland need to do differently to reduce drug related harms?’. The panel met at the Parliament in October and November 2024.

Over the course of two weekends, members of the panel heard evidence from people with lived experience of drug harms, from academics and researchers, and from stakeholders who work in this area, before developing their report.

The panel’s report will help inform the cross-committee’s scrutiny of matters related to reducing drug deaths and tackling problem drug use. Its 19 recommendations cover rights and people’s lived experience, justice, access to treatment, care and support, prevention and harm reduction.

Mairi McIntosh, who was a member of the panel said: “I found participating in the People’s Panel humbling. The team at the Scottish Parliament organised a diverse range of experts and worked hard to lay out the worrying and rapid escalation in drug related deaths and harms in Scotland. 

“All the evidence we heard highlighted the urgency for action from the Scottish government to implement brave and lasting change. 

“I am hopeful that our report shows that as voices from across Scotland, representing different backgrounds and lives, some directly affected by the issues of drug harm and death and others not, that we want the Scottish government to acknowledge the causes and barriers like stigma and discrimination and realise that we cannot afford to not take bold action now.”

Audrey Nicoll MSP, convener of the Criminal Justice Committee said: “We would like to thank the panel for their focused and determined work in delivering this serious and well considered report.

“Our Committees look forward to thoroughly considering the panel’s findings and putting its report’s recommendations to the Scottish government.”

Views sought on dual mandates consultation

Views sought on dual mandates consultation

Views are being sought on the implementation of the ban on MSPs from also serving as MPs or in the House of Lords.

Following the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill being passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament in December, a consultation seeking views on the principles and practical issues of ending dual mandates has launched.

The consultation, which runs until 23 March, looks at issues such as grace periods once elected and salary or parliamentary limitations during this period.

The bill places a duty on Scottish ministers to bring forward regulations which prohibit MSPs from also serving in the House of Commons or the House of Lords, and may additionally prohibit MSPs from also serving as councillors.

The regulations will be laid in autumn 2025 so they are in place for the 2026 Scottish Parliament election, and will be subject to scrutiny and a vote by MSPs.

Minister for parliamentary business Jamie Hepburn said: “Following the unanimous passage of the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill in December, MSPs will be barred from also being an MP or Peer through regulations to be brought forward in autumn 2025.

“This consultation on the issue will allow political parties, local government and most importantly the public to comment on the details of how that will work in practice, ahead of the practice being ended before the 2026 Scottish Parliament election.”

Dr Morag Kerr: The Lockerbie conviction – a reply to Mr Clancy

Dr Morag Kerr, secretary-depute of Justice for Megrahi, replies to Ronnie Clancy KC’s recent articles on Lockerbie and argues that despite the slur of ‘conspiracy theorist’ used by the UK and Scottish governments, the Crown Office, the SSCRC and the Americans, Mr Megrahi still suffered a miscarriage of justice.

I declare that the bomb that caused the Lockerbie disaster was in the suitcase seen by John Bedford in the baggage container in the interline shed at Heathrow at 4.30 pm, an hour before the PA103 feeder flight from Frankfurt landed. I challenge Mr Clancy, or anyone else, to prove me wrong using facts and reason, not the unevidenced opinions of others, and not legal technicalities.

Mr Clancy makes a number of assertions in his two-part article of 6th and 7th January, and delivers a number of ad hominem attacks on critics of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi’s conviction, but actual evidence is in short supply. Reasoned refutation is conspicuous by its absence. Much of his argument consists of “the SCCRC have looked at this and say it’s fine, nothing to see here folks,” and “these people are dreadful conspiracy theorists.”

The lazy “conspiracy theorist” slur is a repeat of Magnus Linklater’s perennial articles for The Times, built on a false premise, or rather the logical fallacy of the unexcluded middle. There is a third possibility between that of Megrahi being guilty as charged and the police, the justice system and the SCCRC all being complicit in a conscious conspiracy to perpetuate a miscarriage of justice, and that is the aspect of human nature known as confirmation bias. Reading Mr Clancy’s articles it is very difficult to avoid the conclusion that he too is a victim of this particular form of fact-blindness.

When one is personally invested in a particular conclusion, whether as an individual or as part of a self-reinforcing group, the act of considering the possibility that one might be mistaken can be repugnant, almost painful. This is particularly true when the consequences of having to acknowledge that a mistake has been made are wide-ranging. The brain will seize on any scrap of evidence, however peripheral to the core argument, any line of reasoning no matter how convoluted and sophistic, to shore up the original conclusion and avoid the cognitive dissonance of seriously contemplating a contradictory one.

It is disingenuous in the extreme to cherry-pick public statements by those advancing the proposition that Megrahi was wrongfully convicted to imply that some grand, conscious and co-ordinated conspiracy is being alleged (how could that possibly be, surely these people are malicious!), rather than the obvious interpretation that what is being proposed is that those determinedly shoring up the conviction are mistaken, in thrall to confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance. (Indeed, the very title of my own book about the case, referencing the aphorism known as “Hanlon’s Razor”, should have provided something of a clue.)

It is particularly disingenuous do this, and to base an entire argument on the premise that the SCCRC is to be trusted implicitly, in the very week of the debacle in England surrounding the wrongful conviction of Andrew Malkinson and the very credible allegations that the CCRC “has been infected with a culture of denial”. A culture, that is, steeped in confirmation bias. The Malkinson case is not the only one. Can we really, hands on hearts, trust that the SCCRC is a completely different animal?

In the second part of his article Mr Clancy appears to call on specific pieces of evidence to support his position. Nevertheless, once again the argument is little more than “trust the SCCRC, they’ve looked at this very thoroughly,” rather than reasoned, factual refutation.

The timer fragment

Given the mysterious nature of this object it’s hardly surprising to find it surrounded by a fog of speculation and indeed conspiracy theorising. That also is human nature. However, the speculation comes after the observation that this item was not what the prosecution claimed it was, and does not negate that observation.

Dr Swire and Mr Biddulph, and indeed Mr James, are entirely justified in their doubts about the provenance of the fragment, and their criticism of the way this was handled by the SCCRC. To inject some facts into the discussion (a bit of a shock to the system, I know), the central issue is this. It was recognised at an early stage in the investigation that the circuitry of the fragment was coated with pure tin, a technique used by amateur hobbyists making single or small-batch PCBs, and which is not suitable for large-scale commercial use. This was considered a very significant finding when the fragment was first analysed in Scotland in early 1990. While the pattern of the circuitry on the fragment seems to confirm to a high degree of certainty that it was made from a Letraset template produced by the Swiss electronics firm MEBO, all the PCBs for the MST-13 timers that were manufactured from that template for MEBO by Thüring AG had their circuitry coated with a 70/30 tin/lead alloy. Thüring did not have the facilities to apply a pure tin coating. It is one of the many highly regrettable features of the Zeist trial that this discrepancy was fudged and obscured in court, mainly thanks to a highly misleading statement by Allen Feraday, an English forensics expert, and the bench was never made aware of it.

Speculation and conspiracy theorising aside, nobody knows what that fragment is, who made it or when or for what purpose. All that can be said is that it was not from one of the batches of PCBs manufactured by Thüring and which were supplied to Libya by MEBO, as alleged by the Crown. Mr Clancy refers to “… the large body of evidence, including scientific evidence, that questions the accuracy of [these] claims.” What evidence would that be, then? According to their public news release the SCCRC rejected this ground of appeal on the narrow technical point that “… the applicants have not provided a reasonable explanation as to why the fresh evidence concerning the metallurgy issue was not led at the trial,” and because they believed that the failure of the original defence team to uncover the discrepancy did not amount to “defective representation”, not because they had obtained scientific findings which contradicted this evidence.

The suitcase

This is my own personal area of expertise in the case, and Mr Clancy refers to my 2013 book Adequately Explained by Stupidity?, which is largely devoted to examining this issue. I wonder if he has read it?

According to Mr Clancy, “… the SCCRC carried out a thorough examination of the allegation taking account of all the relevant evidence including information which was not available to Justice for Megrahi. The SCCRC concluded that ‘… it was not arguable that the Justice for Megrahi theory could show conclusively that the bomb had entered the airline luggage in Heathrow’.” (Note, not that this information disproved the proposition, merely that it apparently rendered it inconclusive.)

The evidence presented in my book formed part of Justice for Megrahi’s submission to the COPFS which resulted in the police Operation Sandwood. In the course of that investigation I was interviewed by officers on several occasions, going through the evidence and my reasoning in minute detail. Repeatedly, I assured them that I had no dog in this fight beyond a desire to solve the puzzle (which the original forensic investigators had so signally failed to do). I was (and still am) convinced that the evidence proves beyond reasonable doubt that the bomb suitcase was already in London an hour before the flight supposedly carrying it landed. As a scientist, though, I always strive to maintain an open mind. I begged the police officers on several occasions to tell me if they discovered either additional evidence I didn’t have, or an alternative interpretation I hadn’t thought of, that would cast doubt on my conclusion. I stated categorically that if such evidence were to be found, I would withdraw my thesis and issue a public retraction. Nothing of that nature happened. Contact with Operation Sandwood tailed off and then ceased entirely, with no explanation. All I ever got was a personal jibe from Kenny Macaskill to the effect that (and I paraphrase) “I know something you don’t know, so you’re wrong.”

This is more or less exactly Mr Clancy’s position, echoing the position of the SCCRC. They know “something” that allows an entire book full of minute detail and closely-reasoned argument to be dismissed, but no hint at all is given of what this something might be. I find the secrecy over this point very disturbing.

The best guess I can make is that Operation Sandwood, Mr Macaskill, the SCCRC and Mr Clancy are placing the supposed confession of Abu Agila Masoud to having been involved in the smuggling of the bomb on board Flight KM180 in Malta above my analysis. However, this “confession” is a highly contradictory and confusing document, in places flatly contradicting evidence relied on to convict Megrahi. False confessions are one of the most frequent causes of miscarriages of justice and wrongful convictions, and indeed in this case the lord advocate was unable to assure Justice for Megrahi that he was confident that the confession had not been obtained by torture. My position on this matter is that if someone confesses to doing something that provably didn’t happen, it still didn’t happen.

My analysis of the evidence, which is entirely theoretical, has recently been independently confirmed experimentally.[1] A Dutch forensic scientist, Dr Erwin Vermeij, carried out multiple test explosions using used aluminium LD3 containers with mocked-up suitcases and IEDs made to simulate the Lockerbie bomb, with the bomb suitcase in various positions in the container. These experiments were far more rigorously designed and executed than the botched tests carried out in the USA in 1989. His conclusion states:

Regarding the damage to the luggage containers, experiment 7 where the IED suitcase was in the first (bottom) layer with one end slightly elevated on to the horizontal strut comes closest to replicating the damage observed on LD3 luggage container AVE4041. This suggests that the reported so called Claiden spot is probably too high, presuming that 450g explosive was used. If the center of the Lockerbie bomb was really on the Claiden spot, the only possibility is that the explosive charge must have been larger than 450g.

It was demonstrated in court that it was impossible to get more than 450g of Semtex inside the radio-cassette player used to construct the IED. The position that “comes closest” to the damage observed on the Lockerbie luggage container is the one described in my book.

The luggage tags

The single piece of actual evidence discussed by Mr Clancy is the peripheral matter of an entry in the diary of Lamin Fhimah, Megrahi’s co-accused, relating to his obtaining “taggs” (sic) for Megrahi. As a statement by someone other than Megrahi himself, this was held by the trial court not to be evidence against him. However, it was admitted by the court in the 2021 appeal in order to “considerably bolster” the evidence that the bomb was infiltrated in Malta. There’s no evidence that these tags were even obtained, let alone given to Megrahi, or what he did with them if they were. The accuseds’ explanation was that they were needed as samples to get a printing quote. The re-introduction of this extremely trivial and non-probative evidence suggests to me that someone was getting a bit desperate.

The identification evidence

This is barely touched on by Mr Clancy, despite its actually being the central issue as regards Megrahi’s conviction. He describes it as “qualified (resemblance) identification”, which is being remarkably kind. Frankly, no normal human being, as opposed to angels dancing on the heads of pins, could possibly imagine that the bribed and cajoled Tony Gauci’s fifty-year-old, over six feet tall, dark-skinned, heavily-built customer was in fact the 36-year-old, five feet eight, light-skinned, slightly built Megrahi. Even Tony prefaced his line-up “identification” with “Not the man I saw in my shop, but…” The identification is in fact the shaky hook on which the entire daisy-chain of circular reasoning dreamed up by the police investigation and embellished by the trial court was hung. It has been challenged by four eminent experts in the psychology of memory – Prof Timothy Valentine (70 pages, 2008), Professor Steven Clark (49 pages, 2008), Professor David Canter (105 pages, 2010) and Professor Elizabeth Loftus (seven page journal publication, 2013[2]). The full list of problems with it is much too long to go into here, and it seems yet another problem has now arisen.

One of the things Masoud allegedly confessed to doing, in these interviews in the prison dungeon in Tripoli, was buying the clothes from Tony Gauci. Tony described one customer, not two, and as he has since died, the police have no further opportunity to go back and persuade him to change his statement on that point also. If Masoud bought the clothes, Megrahi didn’t, and if he didn’t, the entire case is a pile of daisy-heads on the floor. However, if Masoud’s confession is required in order to refute the suitcase evidence, this must create a bit of a dilemma for his prosecutors.


Over many years Justice for Megrahi has raised serious, evidence-based concerns about the conviction. These concerns have never been addressed in detail, or at all, by the Crown Office or by any of those who support the conviction – they have simply been cavalierly dismissed and those raising them stigmatised as conspiracy theorists. That must now change. When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle dared to challenge the conviction of Oscar Slater, the response of the prosecution authorities was as dismissive as that of the Crown Office in relation to the Megrahi conviction. But history proved Conan Doyle to be right. 

Reference 1: Vermeij, E. (2024) Survivability of IED components, suitcases, their contents and luggage containers in suitcase bombs. Elsevier: Forensic Science International: Reports, vol 9, July 2024.

Reference 2: Loftus, E. F. (2013) Eyewitness testimony in the Lockerbie bombing case. Memory, vol 21 issue 5, pp 584-590.

GMB judges call for English judicial appointments chair to be removed from post

GMB judges call for English judicial appointments chair to be removed from post

The GMB Judicial Branch has called for the removal of Helen Pitcher, chair of England and Wales’ Judicial Appointments Commission.

Judges made the call in an open letter to Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood yesterday.

Ms Pitcher recently resigned as the chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) – the body that investigates miscarriages of justice – after failings that saw an innocent man jailed for 17 years for a rape he did not commit.

Meanwhile the JAC itself has come under fire for taking secret references when judges apply for promotion which outweigh assessments of their ability and their open references.

A senior judge in the Court of Appeal, Sir Geoffrey Vos, criticised this as unfair in June 2024, in a case brought by District Judge Kate Thomas.

Stuart Fegan, GMB senior organiser, said: “GMB judges do not believe anyone who is unfit to lead the Criminal Cases Review should be overseeing appointment of our judges.

“A discredited JAC chairman reflects badly on judges because the JAC appoints them – it undermines public confidence in the justice system.

“Meanwhile the JAC under Ms Pitcher is a failing organisation; senior appointments have been irregular, there is a lack of procedural fairness and a shadowy secret reference system that lacks transparency and contributes to an atmosphere of intimidation in the judiciary.

“We call on the Justice Secretary to remove Helen Pitcher from her role as chair.”

Fern Mapp joins Irwin Mitchell Scotland

Fern Mapp joins Irwin Mitchell Scotland

Fern Mapp

Irwin Mitchell Scotland has added personal injury partner Fern Mapp its team.

Ms Mapp brings with her 14 years of experience in personal injury litigation specialising in cross-border and travel law, including international serious injury, aviation and package holiday cases.

She has acted in a number of complex and high profile matters such as the Clutha helicopter disaster and the catastrophic incident involving the US Navy research vessel RV Petrel

She is also a notary public and is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers (PEOPIL). 

Her appointment to Irwin Mitchell Scotland comes less than a year after Kim Leslie joined as head of personal injury in Scotland, and just a few months after senior associate solicitor Izabela Wosiak, solicitor Rachel Brown and paralegal Emma McCutcheon joined the team.

It also follows Irwin Mitchell’s recent investment in Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie.

Ms Leslie said: “Fern joins us at a very exciting time for Irwin Mitchell Scotland.  Over the past year, we’ve strengthened the personal injury team and we’re thrilled to be adding Fern with her expertise and network in international personal injury and aviation. 

“Fern is a strategic technical expert with exceptional communication skills. We are confident that her appointment will greatly enhance our ability to provide exceptional service to our clients injured abroad.”

Ryan Macready joins Dallas McMillan Solicitors

Ryan Macready joins Dallas McMillan Solicitors

Ryan Macready

Ryan Macready has joined Dallas McMillan Solicitors as a senior associate.

He said: “After an incredibly rewarding journey at Macdonald Henderson, I am excited to share that I have embarked on a new chapter in my career. 

“I am delighted to join such a historic firm with a dynamic team and will do all I can to contribute to its continued success and growth.

“My time at Macdonald Henderson was full of invaluable experiences and learning, and I’m grateful to have worked with such talented colleagues and clients throughout my time.  As I transition to this new role, I look forward to building new relationships, further developing the firm’s impressive offering, and continuing to grow alongside my new colleagues.”

New deputy student directors for ALP

New deputy student directors for ALP

Pictured: Emma Naylor and Jonathan Blackwood

Emma Naylor and Jonathan Blackwood have been appointed as the new deputy student directors of the Aberdeen Law Project (ALP).

Anna Robertson, chair of the ALP board, said: “Emma and Jonathan have always shown exceptional potential in the project, and we are excited to see them take the project into a new chapter.” 

Ms Naylor said: “I am grateful to take on this role and contribute to reducing the access to justice gap through community legal education. By collaborating with our dedicated volunteers and partners, I look forward to developing strategies which expand the impact of our work and empower individuals with the tools they need to navigate the legal system.”

Mr Blackwood added: “I feel extremely privileged to have been appointed to this position within such a prestigious organisation that helps so many in our community. I am eager to get started with the role and support the project in continuing the incredible but necessary work our student volunteers do every day.”

Court process begins for Park Inn Hotel fatal accident inquiry

Court process begins for Park Inn Hotel fatal accident inquiry

The procurator fiscal has lodged a first notice with the Sheriff Court to begin the court process for a fatal accident inquiry (FAI) into the death of Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh.

Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh was shot and killed by officers of the Police Scotland in the Park Inn Hotel, West George Street, Glasgow on 26 June 2020 after he attacked six people, stabbing and seriously injuring five of them and attempts to use non-lethal weapons were unsuccessful.

Those injured by the 28-year-old Sudanese man included three asylum seekers, two hotel workers and a police officer who had responded to the initial emergency call.

A preliminary hearing will be held on 11 March 2025 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

Macdonald Henderson advises Verum Wealth on sale to Foster Denovo

Macdonald Henderson advises Verum Wealth on sale to Foster Denovo

Macdonald Henderson has advised Glasgow-based financial advice firm Verum Wealth on its sale to UK national firm Foster Denovo.

The addition of Verum Wealth marks FD’s seventh acquisition in just over a year and adds £87 million of assets under advice to its recently established Glasgow hub.

The transaction represents Macdonald Henderson’s second client disposal to FD, having acted in the sale of Rosemount Asset Management to FD in August 2024.

Verum was founded by Tony McPhee in 2015. He said: “When the due diligence process was cleared and the finishing line agreed, David, Cameron and the MH team pulled out all the stops to get the deal over the line in a very short time scale – great work and a big thank you.”

Quote of the day

When I hear any man talk of an unalterable law, the only effect it produces upon me is to convince me that he is an unalterable fool.

Sydney Smith, ‘Peter Plymley’s Letters’ (1808)

And finally… honey nut crunch

And finally... honey nut crunch

French authorities are seizing record amounts of “love honey” products containing erectile dysfunction drugs, marketed as natural aphrodisiacs.

Over 31,000 tonnes were confiscated last year, mainly in cities and seaports, with shipments from countries including Malaysia, Thailand, and Turkey.

The honey, containing sildenafil or tadalafil – the active ingredients in Viagra and Cialis – remains popular despite warnings since 2021 about health risks, including heart disease. Authorities say young men, influenced by viral trends and pornographic content, are driving demand.

Illegal products under brands like Black Horse and Royal Honey are sold online and in convenience stores. A student fined €15,000 had earned €50,000 selling such products online, claiming ignorance of their true ingredients.

Emergency rooms report rising cases of severe side effects, including a 36-year-old man who required surgery for penile necrosis. “There is no reliable dosage in these products,” warned Juliette Bloch of the National Health Safety Agency. A doctor bluntly noted: “Something that makes you hard instantly does not just contain plants.”

Advancements and Features Shaping the Future of Denovo’s Legal Case Management Software

Advancements and Features Shaping the Future of Denovo’s Legal Case Management Software

Discover What’s New in CaseLoad: Exclusive Updates for 2025

Over the past few years, we’ve poured our energy into refining CaseLoad, transforming it into a powerful, all-in-one platform that combines cutting-edge legal case management and accounts software. The result? A feature-rich solution that empowers law firms to streamline workflows, boost efficiency, and deliver exceptional client service.

Now, as we step into 2025, we’re thrilled to unveil the latest advancements we’ve been working on - designed to make your practice even more efficient and future-ready. This blog outlines some of the exciting new features coming to caseload in 2025.

Read more here

Overcoming the Challenges of Moving to Modern Case Management

Overcoming the Challenges of Moving to Modern Case Management

Are you a lawyer or firm manager stuck with outdated case management software? You know that technology is the key to efficiency, but the idea of transitioning to a new system seems daunting. You’re not alone. Many law firms understand the advantages of modern software yet feel held back by concerns about cost, disruption, and – especially – data migration. Denovo have supported hundreds of Scottish law firms in moving to a more efficient software platform, and their team of data migration specialists exists to make this process simpler than you might expect. Their fully customisable, whole practice management software, CaseLoad, incorporates everything modern law firms need: practice management, case management, and legal accounting software, all built into one platform.

Read the full article here

Are you a law firm partner wishing things could be different in 2025?

Are you a law firm partner wishing things could be different in 2025?

As a law firm partner, are you:

  • Fed up with office politics?
  • Annoyed with the decisions made?
  • Frustrated by some of your fellow partners?
  • Disgruntled by the way the cake is divided up?
  • Confused why you ended up in charge of HR or IT?
  • Wishing you could concentrate on just doing the law?

Becoming a partner in a law firm is an incredible achievement. You have worked really hard to get there, following the traditional path.
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Inksters is the foremost Plug & Play Law firm in Scotland. Specifically with, by far, the largest number of consultant solicitors and the greatest geographical reach. Inksters have operated and perfected this model for 12 years and been in business as a law firm for over 25 years.

Discover whether Plug & Play Law is the right fit for you

If you are a law firm partner, and wish things could be different in 2025, then complete the Plug & Play Law scorecard online. There are just 11 simple questions and it takes less than 60 seconds to complete. You will then receive an immediate personalised report on whether Plug & Play Law is a good fit for you. Completing it could be better than making a new year’s resolution!


Private Client Solicitor (NQ – 4 Yrs)

Welcome to a very different kind of law firm. One that recognises its success is down to its people. Where you can be yourself. Be inspired by your talented work colleagues. Where you’ll feel part of a dynamic team. Where, right from the start, you will be trusted with responsibility. This is what a rewarding career looks like at Thorntons.

What to expect

Thorntons has one of the largest Private Client teams in Scotland and we are proud to support clients in planning for the future, protecting their assets and navigating life’s most significant moments. We now have a new opportunity to our exceptional team in St Andrews where you’ll have an outstanding client base, varied and interesting work, excellent career progression opportunities, and a supportive, collaborative team.

Your work will encompass:

• Wills, Executries & Powers of Attorney
• Asset Protection & Succession Planning
• Inheritance Tax Planning
• Creating and administering Private and Charitable Trusts
• Advising on estate planning strategies
• Building strong client relationships

What we’re looking for

• Experience in private client work during your traineeship or post-qualification.
• A passion for Private Client law and working with people.
• Ambition to achieve STEP accreditation and progress within the field.
• Interest in business development and strengthening client relationships.
• Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.
• Commitment to delivering high-quality legal services.
• A team player with the ability to work independently when needed.
• The desire to contribute to our growing reputation in Scotland and beyond.

Why join Thorntons

At Thorntons, we invest in our people. You’ll benefit from:

• Tailored career mentoring and training programmes.
• Genuine opportunities for progression
• The opportunity to shape specialist expertise within your field
• A dynamic and supportive team culture.
• The chance to make a real difference in clients’ lives.
Doing What’s Right

A great working environment is the first thing you’ll notice. One where you’ll be inspired and supported by your colleagues. Where we’ll help you achieve what you want from your career. Where you can have both flexibility and connection with our supportive culture. Where you are valued. Where your voice is heard and you can make a difference through our employee network groups.

As your employer

Our benefits package goes well beyond competitive remuneration and we recognise and reward the hard work and effort you put in - learn more at rewarding you

For your Health and Wellbeing

Our Healthcare Cash Plan covers things like dental, optical, physiotherapy, chiropody, therapy and health screening needs. Our mental health first aiders and access to a 24-hour counselling line provide support for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

For your Family

We offer sector-leading family-friendly policies and flexible working arrangements to help you enjoy the best possible work-life balance. Our inclusive policies include fully paid maternity, adoption or shared parental leave of 26 weeks, followed by 13 weeks on half pay and a phased return to work on full pay, as well as 12 weeks fully paid partner or paternity leave. We also offer paid leave for, assisted conception and IVF treatment, and for colleagues who experience loss.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

We strongly believe in a diverse and inclusive working environment: one that does not tolerate any form of discrimination at any level. We value a truly diverse workforce: we are all equally different. We celebrate our individuality: from gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, faith to life experience, we know our differences make us stronger, together.

For our Community

We’re proud to be part of the communities we serve across Scotland, that’s why we actively engage with charities that support them. From our annual Charity Wills campaign to regular fundraising and volunteering opportunities, our colleagues give back to communities with skills and advocacy as well as funds.

Apply online at


Location: Glasgow Bridge Legal

A fantastic opportunity has arisen to join one of the largest criminal defence firms in Glasgow.

Bridge Legal combines years of experience together with a modern approach to client representation. With one of the busiest court diaries in Glasgow, Bridge Legal represent clients across Scotland providing the highest quality representation in the High Court of Justiciary, the Sheriff Courts and Justice of the Peace Courts. Committed to the training and development of those with an interest in this area of work, the firm has a solid foundation of experienced solicitors and an in-house Senior Solicitor Advocate.

Team dynamic is important to us at Bridge Legal and we are seeking an enthusiastic solicitor with a genuine interest in progressing their career in criminal law. Whilst the role is best suited for those up to 3 years PQE, all qualification levels will be considered.

This position will best suit a candidate wishing to specialise in court work.  Previous experience in the preparation and presentation of Solemn and Summary criminal work would be advantageous.

The ideal candidate will be proactive, commercially aware and have a desire to grow and develop the business in a role that offers genuine promotion within the firm.
Full driving licence and own transport is essential.

If you would like more information, you can contact Marisa Borland, Director on 07713567963 / or Ian Brechany, Director on 07966143005/

All enquiries will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Solicitor Roles

Location: Glasgow, Darlington, Llandudno Student Loans Company

Location: Glasgow, Darlington or Llandudno
Salary: £50,000 - £58,889 for Solicitor and £60,000 - £70,656 for Senior Solicitor
Pension: A Civil Service Pension with an employer contribution of 28.97%.
Type: Permanent Role
Closing Date: 16th February 2025

Is it time you unlocked your potential?  

Student Loans Company Limited (“SLC”) is a non-profit making Government-owned organisation that provides loans and grants to students in universities and colleges in the UK. Since 1989, we have enabled our customers to invest in their futures by delivering secure, accurate and efficient assessment, payment and repayment services.

The Legal Services department, based at our new Clyde Place office in Glasgow, forms part of the Product, Customer and External Relations directorate and supports all areas of the SLC. As part of the continued investment by SLC in the Legal Services department, we are recruiting for additional roles to expand the team to enable it to continue to provide highly regarded legal advice and support to meet the needs of the business.

The range and nature of support which can be sought encompasses all matters which require legal advice.  By way of example, this includes providing advice in relation to commercial contracts and procurement, contracts of employment and general employment law advice, product terms and conditions, interpretation of legislation and policy, freedom of information requests as well as complaints, appeals and litigation.

While the successful candidates will be expected to have a particular area of subject matter expertise, they will also be required to provide legal advice on the full suite of legal matters applicable to SLC, both strategic and operational, under the direction of the Company Secretary and Senior Manager: Legal Services, thus helping to ensure that SLC operates within its regulatory framework and meets its statutory obligations.

Senior Solicitor:  Corporate & Commercial
Reporting to the Senior Manager: Legal Services.
Link to apply: SLC Careers

Solicitor (x 2)
Reporting to a Senior Solicitor, we are recruiting (i) a Litigation & Employment Solicitor; and (ii) a Corporate & Commercial Solicitor.  
Links to apply: SLC Careers for Solicitor – Litigation & Employment Law
SLC Careers for Solicitor – Corporate & Commercial

Applicants must hold a degree in Scots Law, a Diploma in Legal Practice and a valid Scottish practising certificate (or the English equivalents)(dual qualification in England & Wales is desirable, not essential).  A full job description is available upon request from:

Should you wish to apply, please send us a cover letter and copy of your CV.

SLC offer a blended working model which will typically equate to 2 days in the office and 3 days from home per week.

No agency applications will be accepted.

You can expect more from a career with the SLC. We support colleagues to unlock their potential through our Career Pathways development programme and offer an excellent benefit and rewards package that includes:

• 28 days annual leave plus 8 public holidays
• Option to buy/sell annual leave
• Flexi-time and flexible working options available
• Option to join the Civil Service pension scheme
• Term assurance protection for 4 x annual salary
• Enhanced company sick pay and family leave including maternity, paternity and adoption
• Contributory lifestyle benefit options including discounts at hundreds of retailers, cycle to work scheme, access to the Civil Service Sports and Leisure Club for discounted gym memberships, and an optional dental insurance scheme

SLC are committed to ensuring our recruitment processes are inclusive for all candidates and will make reasonable adjustments for those who consider themselves to have a disability or long-term condition in line with the Equality Act 2010. Our application process provides candidates with the opportunity to request reasonable adjustments but if you would like to discuss this in more detail, please email:

Personal Injury Solicitor

Location: Glasgow DJ Mackay & Partners LLP

DJ Mackay & Partners LLP, Solicitors are looking to recruit a qualified solicitor with up to 4/5 years PQE for our Glasgow office in our Personal Injury Department.

Specialising in personal injury litigation and employment law, DJ Mackay & Partners LLP who also operate as UnionLine Scotland, deal with claims from the UK’s first trade union owned law firm, UnionLine. A one-of-a-kind business model in Scotland.

We are a progressive, expanding business providing the highest quality legal advice and expertise to both union and non - union clients.

DJ Mackay & Partners LLP offers a friendly, flexible working environment with full support and training opportunities.

You will be a fully qualified solicitor with previous experience working in personal injury litigation. We are looking for applicants that are ambitious and enthusiastic and are willing to learn and adapt.

The successful candidate as well as demonstrating the necessary skills and experience, will be a highly motivated litigator, ambitious both for themselves and the firm.
We offer a competitive salary with bank holidays in addition to annual leave. We have a flexible working environment.

If you would like to apply for the role, please send your CV and covering letter to Lisa McLuckie –

Executry Paralegal

Location: Edinburgh Balfour and Manson

We currently have a vacancy for a paralegal to join our friendly executry team in Edinburgh.

The ideal candidate will have a positive, enthusiastic approach and already be an experienced executry paralegal.

You will have a significant degree of autonomy as well as your own case load. You will be dealing with all aspects of executry administration, including investigating the extent of the estate, preparing the Confirmation application and Inheritance Tax return, preparing the executry account and dealing with related tax matters.  You will also have direct contact with clients and will keep them up to date as matters progress.  These duties will all be carried out under the supervision of one of our solicitors.

If you are interested in this vacancy, then please send a covering letter and a copy of your CV to Margaret Peet on

Closing Date: Wednesday 29th January 2025

Solicitor – Community Clinic

Location: Govanhill Scottish Child Law Centre

Reporting to: Senior Solicitor
Accountable to: Senior Solicitor
Supervisory responsibilities: Interns and volunteers as assigned
Hours and location: Govanhill Community Clinic (in person), some remote working and possible travel throughout Scotland
Salary: £35,000 pro-rata 4 days a week

We are a specialist hub protecting children’s rights across Scotland.  Our volunteer solicitors provide free legal advice about child law and children’s rights to realise children’s rights and allow access to justice for children and families when their rights have been breached. We provide specialist training to organisations and schools and use the evidence from our work to influence long term change for children.


For ‘all children growing up in Scotland to have their rights respected, protected and fulfilled.’  

The Centre is going through an exciting period of transition and will shortly be setting up a Community Clinic in Govanhill to provide free legal advice and support to the people who need us most. Our community advice clinic work seeks to remove barriers and further extend our reach, especially in light of the UNCRC Act becoming law in July 2024. This follows a pilot community advice clinic in 2023 which identified multiple and serious breaches of rights, fuelled by an absence of legal aid – particularly amongst the Black, Asian and ethnic minority community. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child cite access to justice and children’s rights training as vital to UNCRC implementation.

Purpose of the role:

As a solicitor for the Scottish Child Law Centre, your primary role is to promote and further the rights of children and young people in Scotland, by giving legal advice to children and families at our Govanhill Community Clinic.

This role is currently funded for three years. Continuation subject to further funding.

Main duties and responsibilities:

  • To provide face-to-face legal advice appointments to children and families at the Govanhill Community Clinic
  • To work closely with the Support Worker to assist families to implement legal advice
  • To keep a record of all cases dealt with at the clinic as well as a record of the advice given and any follow up work
    To ensure that all work is carried out to the necessary standard, in accordance with the regulatory framework and professional standards.
  • To work with the team to identify trends and issues and write up suitably anonymised case studies, and to contribute to policy and strategy for addressing systemic issues.
  • Forging new outreach partnerships as and when needed and strategically identifying need.
  • To ensure all outreach systems, including records, spreadsheets and templates are complied with.
  • To review and maintain a quality assurance process including outreach advice reviews, as well as keeping records of this process and reporting on it.
  • To develop and deliver training to organisations across Scotland, including research for bespoke training requests.
  • To provide legal supervision and support the solicitors, interns and volunteers in the SCLC.
  • Any other duties within competence as agreed, including travel throughout Scotland and beyond.

Knowledge and experience:

  • Thorough knowledge of child law in Scotland (E)
  • Excellent knowledge of the domestic and international children’s rights frameworks (E)
  • Commitment to promoting children’s and young people’s rights, and understanding of working within a human rights and child rights framework (E)
  • Experience of legal advice and casework in a legal practice setting (E)
  • Understanding of the regulatory framework for legal advice provision (E)
  • Experience of delivering legal advice to people with diverse backgrounds and complexities (E)
  • Knowledge of the network of organisations who support children and of children’s entitlements to statutory service provision (E)
  • Experience of project management and reporting, including providing information on deliverables and outcomes to funders (D)

Qualifications, skills and personal attributes:

  • A valid practising certificate (E)
  • A sensitive approach to providing legal advice to children, young people and families, including and those with vulnerabilities (E)
  • Ability to operate services within the regulatory framework for legal advice provision (E)
  •  supportive approach to line management (E)
  • Highly developed communication skills, written and oral, and an ability to provide complex legal information in a comprehensible way to children, young people and those for whom English is an additional language (E)
  • Ability to liaise and work effectively in partnership with a wide range of partner organisations and funders (E)
  • Ability to work independently and on own initiative, taking responsibility for delivering and reporting on set targets (E)
  • An excellent ability to develop, manage and maintain effective working relationships
  • The capacity to undertake high volumes of work and ability to deliver to strict deadlines
  • Willingness to get things done by effective team working and delegation and delivering a wide range of tasks directly as/when necessary, with strong administration and attention to detail (E)
  • Excellent administrative and organisational skills to operate administrative and record-keeping systems (E)
  • Excellent IT skills including practical knowledge of internet and Microsoft Office package (E)
  • An understanding of client confidentiality and data protection (E)
  • A flexible approach including ability to attend meetings on an extended or alternative day by arrangement when necessary (E)
  • A valid driver’s license and access to a car (D)
  • Post open to women only under the Equality Act 2010 pursuant to Schedule 9, Part 1

Application process

Closing date Monday, 27th January 2025 at 9am.

Please submit a CV and covering letter to that is no more than two pages, stating how you meet the criteria and why you are interested in the role.

Interviews will likely be held the week of 10th February 2025.

We particularly encourage applications from disabled people and people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, as these groups are currently under-represented in the organisation.

We welcome flexible working arrangements and happy to accommodate for caring responsibilities or any other reasons you may prefer flexible hours.  

If you are considering applying but have a few questions for us, get in touch here:

Senior Solicitor (Real Estate & Planning)

Location: Edinburgh City Of Edinburgh Council

Salary: £62,685- £74,858

Hours: 36 per week

The City of Edinburgh Council’s in-house legal team has an exciting opportunity for a Senior Solicitor to join its Real Estate team. The applicant should have experience of commercial property law, as the role will have a commercial property focus. Experience of working for a public sector organisation would be desirable.

The Real Estate team includes planning and property lawyers, both commercial and residential. The workload will be varied, challenging and interesting, dealing with some of the most high profile developments in Scotland. You will be supported in a collegiate environment and encouraged to develop a full range of legal and other skills. The property lawyers within the team deal with a full range of property matters, including development agreements, site assembly, commercial leasing, purchases, sales, asset management work, advice on residential leases, title queries, and work unique to local authorities for example the introduction of a Low Emission Zone in Edinburgh, Compulsory Purchase and nature reserve dedications. Support to high profile capital projects will also form part of the role. The centre of Edinburgh is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and many other areas are listed. The team plays an integral role in balancing the need for development and growth with the protection of Edinburgh as a world-renowned historic city.

The Real Estate team currently consists of the Principal Solicitor, seven Senior Solicitors, two Solicitors and a trainee Solicitor.

The position is advertised as a full time position, 36 hours per week, or such other hours as are agreed with the successful candidate; our staff work flexibly in many different ways and we are also open to discussing the possibility of reduced hours.

The successful candidate will be required to obtain a standard Disclosure Scotland certificate prior to commencing the role.

As part of our goal to improve our organisational culture and create a great place to work together for the people of Edinburgh, we want to make sure that we’re bringing the best people into our roles, not just in their skills and experience but also in their approach to work.

To help achieve this, we’re changing the way we interview and assess candidates by moving from a competency-based interview approach to a behavioural and technical (skills for the job) based approach. This new way of interviewing will allow us to assess how you think and how you would bring Our Behaviours of Respect, Integrity and Flexibility into your ways of working.

We’re committed to creating a workplace culture where all our people feel valued, included and able to be their best at work, and we recognise the benefits that a diverse workforce with different values, beliefs, experience, and backgrounds brings to us as an organisation.

You can find out more on Our Behaviours web page Our Behaviours – The City of Edinburgh Council

Our salary range typically reflects the initial starting salary and annually increases until it reaches the top of the range.

Apply here

Financial Compliance Legal Executive

Location: Edinburgh Law Society of Scotland

Permanent, £37,259, (35 hours per week)

It is an exciting time to join the Law Society of Scotland. As a result of internal promotion, an exciting opportunity has arisen within the Financial Compliance Team for a Legal Executive to work with the Solicitor to Financial Compliance to provide legal support to our regulatory work and in support to two regulatory sub-committees.

The Law Society of Scotland is the professional body for over 13,000 Scottish Solicitors and with over 150 staff members, our primary focus is to support a thriving profession of high quality and trusted Solicitors in Scotland with access to justice for all. The Finance Team provide key reporting and support all financial transactions within the organisation.

At the centre of our organisation are the values of Respect, Openness, Progress, Inclusion, and Integrity which drive our teams to deliver the best possible service for the legal sector and beyond.

The Team

You would be joining the team that is responsible for supervising solicitor compliance with the Scottish Solicitor’s Accounts Rules and the Money Laundering Regulations.  The team is also responsible for the operation of the Client Protection Fund which pays grants to those who have suffered financial loss as a result of dishonesty by a Scottish solicitor or a member of their staff.

The team do important and rewarding work. You will be busy and play a key role in public protection, maintaining confidence in the legal profession and upholding proper professional standards and conduct amongst solicitors. We want to get even better at what we do. You will have the opportunity to use your skills and experience to shape the role and improve how our work is done. 

Key Responsibilities for this role

Reporting to the Solicitor to Financial Compliance, the Financial Compliance Legal Executive will undertake and contribute to a broad range of the Financial Compliance Department’s workload to protect the profession and public including:

  • A range of duties relating to the Client Protection Fund including the investigation of claims received by the fund from those who believe they have suffered financial loss by a solicitor or a member of their staff.
  • Supporting the work of the regulatory sub-committees through minuting allocated meetings and decisions (or part of), minuting related meetings, preparing post-committee correspondence with affected solicitors and supporting the processing of complaints authorised by both sub-committees.
  • Wider Financial Compliance duties including conducting “holding out” enquiries into reported examples of non-solicitors carrying out work reserved to solicitors, supporting the Incidental Financial Business regime. and work in support of “interventions” by Financial Compliance including where we take control of solicitors’ client accounts.  

Key Knowledge, Skills and  Experience:

  • Hold a degree level qualification or significant experience as a paralegal
  • Have experience of working in a legal or regulatory environment
  • Be a problem solver who is able to demonstrate success in change management and process improvement 
  • Have excellent communication skills and the ability to build and maintain excellent working relationships with key stakeholders throughout the Society and beyond
  • Be motivated by the opportunity to join and develop in a broad, challenging role with unpredictable and competing priorities

What we offer our employees?

We offer a comprehensive benefits package to support our colleague’s professional and personal needs. Some of these include:

  • A hybrid working environment
  • Flexible working, to allow you to work around your lifestyle and commitments.
  • 30 days holiday plus bank holidays
  • A competitive pension provision scheme
  • Excellent family friendly benefits
  • Learning and Development opportunities to enhance your skills or through programmes leading to professional or academic qualification.
  • Private medical insurance
  • Various health and wellbeing benefits such as confidential counselling services, bike to work scheme, eyecare, and offers on well-known brands through our lifestyle savings offerings.

The Law Society of Scotland is an equal opportunities employer, and we welcome applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds. We hold an Investors in Diversity Award in recognition of our commitment to advance fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement within our organisation and the Scottish legal sector. More information can be found on our Equality and Diversity page. 

We are always on the look for new talent to join our incredible workforce. If you are looking for a new opportunity within the society, we would love to hear from you!

You can find out more information about the Law Society and this role on our website. If this opportunity sounds like the one for you, click Apply now.

This vacancy will close at 11:30am on 28 January 2025.

We are unable to feedback to applicants who are not selected for interviews.


Location: Edinburgh Scottish Legal Aid Board

Salary: Starting salary is £47,380 

Working pattern: Full time, Permanent 

Location: Edinburgh 

Closing date: 2 February 2025 at midnight 

Share with friend Apply online
We are seeking a dedicated Solicitor to join our team in a dynamic and meaningful role. This position offers the opportunity to combine expert legal knowledge with decision-making and guidance to support legal aid applications across civil and children’s legal assistance.

As part of our committed team, you will play a vital role in ensuring fair and accurate decisions on applications, providing advice to colleagues and the profession, and contributing to the ongoing development of our systems and guidance.

About us

The Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB) was established in 1987 to manage legal aid in Scotland. We are a non-departmental public body responsible to the Scottish Government. Our main purpose is to manage and continuously improve publicly funded legal assistance and to advise Scottish Ministers on its strategic development for the benefit of society.

If you wish to learn more about SLAB and our direct services, please visit the website.

Why work for us

We are an ethical organisation carrying out rewarding work that can have a considerable impact on clients’ lives.
We seek high calibre people and in return, we set out to provide good training and development with rewarding working conditions. We aim to be an ‘employer of choice’. Should you come to work with us, you’ll discover that no matter what your job or level of responsibilities, you are treated as an individual, with fairness, dignity and respect. Our stable and secure reward package includes:
• a competitive salary with potential for pay progression
• flexible working arrangements and a great holiday entitlement of 34 days per year (inclusive of public and privilege holidays) increasing after five years of continuous service
• a defined benefit pension scheme with a 6% employee contribution
• job security in a stable environment for long term career progression
• support from colleagues within a rewarding, positive work culture
• opportunities for learning and development while making a difference with challenging tasks for ultimate job satisfaction.

For more on working with SLAB and our benefits, visit

About the role

The main purpose of this role is to take decisions on applications for civil and children’s legal assistance, as required, and provide advice and support to colleagues and the profession when dealing with complex applications or queries. In addition, the job holder will represent SLAB at external meetings as required, as well as assist with providing input into the development of our applications systems and drafting our external and decision-making guidance.

This post is permanent on a full time basis.

If you are applying for a full time position on a part time basis (less than 35 hours per week), please give details of the number of hours and pattern of part time work you would be interested in.

Further details are supplied in our ‘General Information for Applicants’ document.

We are an equal opportunities employer, dedicated to being fair, inclusive and a place where all belong.

We welcome and encourage applications from diverse backgrounds, including groups currently underrepresented in our workforce. These include people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, disabled people, and LGBTQI+ people.

We will ensure that disclosure of disability status will not negatively impact anyone’s application. We are committed to guaranteeing an interview to every applicant who indicates they have a disability, in terms of the Equality Act 2010, that meets the minimum criteria for the role.

For more details about this role and a full list of essential criteria and required competencies, please see the ‘Job Description / Person Specification’ document available on the vacancy page of our recruitment portal.

Apply here

Completed applications should be returned by midnight on Sunday, 2 February 2025 using our recruitment portal.

Regulatory Solicitor

Location: Edinburgh General Teaching Council for Scotland

Starting salary £45,246 (increasing to £50,271 by annual increments)

Full time preferred, but open to discussing alternative working patterns

We are the General Teaching Council for Scotland. We are the teaching profession’s independent regulator. We work to maintain and enhance trust in teaching.

We are a statutory body meaning our role is set out in law - we are independent of government.

Why work for us?

Make a difference to the quality of learning and teaching for children, young people and adult learners in Scotland.

Flexible working is our default and is open to all. You will have flexibility over when and where you work, depending on the requirements of the role. Most of our people choose to primarily work from home but office space is available if preferred. You will be expected to travel to our office in Edinburgh to attend collaborative events and as the role requires. Please talk to us about your individual flexibility preferences.

Learning is one of our core principles. We will support your learning and development to help you perform at your best in your role and to develop your future career.

Annual leave entitlement is a generous 42 days (294 hours).

Local Government Pension Scheme is open to all employees.

Our values

Trust and Respect - All of us are equally important. We seek out and listen to others’ views. We support each other and build positive working relationships.

Integrity – We do what we say we will. We deliver on our plans and effectively communicate with others. We are committed to continually learning and improving.

Social Justice – We embrace diversity. We understand the importance of positive wellbeing and seek to support each other and our registrants. We want you to feel like you belong.

What you will do

You will have a key role in helping ensure we achieve best regulatory practice in our regulatory investigations and that our investigation and adjudication process adheres to the law. This involves quality assuring casework as well as developing the infrastructure and internal knowledge/skills base that supports effective casework. It also involves instructing Presenting Officers who act for GTC Scotland as part of fitness to teach hearings and any appeals/litigation associated with fitness to teach casework. You may also assist in project work relating to our review of the Fitness to Teach Rules 2017.

What you will need to be successful

❖ You are a qualified solicitor and holder of (or entitled to hold) a full and unrestricted Law Society of Scotland practising certificate.
❖ You have role qualifying experience as a solicitor in a relevant sector and evidence of effective legal decision making and advice.
❖ You have an understanding of and are experienced in regulatory casework or equivalent, ideally within a regulatory body.
❖ You have high quality written, research and analytical skills.
❖ You are an excellent communicator with strong influencing and advocacy skills.
❖ You have experience in building and maintaining effective working partnerships with internal and external users and partners.

See the full Role Information for further details.

We don’t expect perfection. If you don’t meet 100% of the requirements but you share our values and you believe you have the potential to be successful in the role, we encourage you to still apply.

We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive team where people can bring their whole selves to work. We want to hire the best person for the role, irrespective of their background. We use a recruitment platform which aims to reduce any unconscious bias.

Working hours / pattern

We see this role being based on full time working hours of 35 hours per week, however we would still like to hear from you if you are interested in the role but have alternative needs in relation to working hours or pattern.

Application and selection process

1. Apply via the Applied Platform (new window) by the closing date of 9.00 am on Wednesday 29 January 2025.
2. If you are successful, you will be invited to interview by Wednesday 5 February 2025.
3. Interviews will take place on Monday 10 and Wednesday 12 February 2025. We advise you to hold these dates in your diary.

If you have a medical condition or other individual need which you believe may affect our interview / assessment arrangements, or your ability to be at your best please, let us know so we can discuss how we can support you and make any adjustments that may be required.

If you have any questions about the role or about the application process please contact

We are a specialist Construction and Professional Indemnity practice, with offices in Bristol, London, Dublin, Dubai and now 2 newly established offices in Glasgow and Toronto.   

We wish to recruit a talented Professional Indemnity Associate to join our highly supportive and collaborative team.  This is an exciting opportunity to join a successful and fast growing Professional Indemnity team in Scotland. The Professional Indemnity team are highly regarded in Scotland and regularly act on behalf of a variety of Insurers throughout the UK. The team handle high value and complex claims against solicitors, accountants, IFAs and surveyors. You will also be assisting in the handling of complex PI construction claims against architects, engineers and contractors.
You will be responsible for:

• Advising professional clients and their insurers on case strategy and claim and cost reserves.
• Handling high value and complex claims from policy response to conclusion.
• Preparing reports for Insurers with the ability to explain and advise succinctly on difficult and complex areas.
• Managing the Insurer/Insured relationship, being aware of potential conflicts.
• Monitoring critical dates and ensuring compliance with Insurer service level agreements.
• Preparing for Court cases at all levels and instructing Senior and Junior Counsel.
• Instructing expert reports to assist investigations in respect of liability, causation and quantum.
• Assisting with ADR, including negotiation and mediation.
• Assisting with Adjudicationa.
• Identifying and advancing business development opportunities.

To apply please send your CV to

Beale & Co | International Construction and Insurance Law Specialists (

Senior Legal Counsel (EPC)

Flotation Energy

Flotation energy is a leading developer and owner of offshore wind projects. We are determined to play a major role in the move to renewable energy. Our skill is to look at the world’s oceans and to find places where we can build new offshore wind projects. Our greatest expertise is our team’s ability to find and develop sites for floating projects in deeper waters.


Our purpose is to be pioneering in floating offshore wind demonstrator projects, delivering fast-track, scalable, commercial offshore wind developments, whilst leading the way to cleaner, reliable energy transition.

Our Values

Our huge passion is to change the game in offshore wind development and delivery and our values underpin this ambition. They are the life blood of our organisation, and we consider them in every aspect at Flotation Energy. We’re extremely proud of our achievements and our culture, growing from a small team of five people with big ideas and lots of enthusiasm to a thriving and dynamic global organisation.

Our entrepreneurial spirit enables us to make decisions at pace and provides a space for agile and critical thinking to thrive. We’re a creative and resourceful bunch and really love what we do.


At Flotation Energy, we are committed to open communication, integrity, fairness and caring for our employees, communities and the environment. We aim to exceed expectations in health, safety, environment, quality and sustainability. Achieving these values is driven by our BMS. Together, we create a healthy, safe, and sustainable business culture.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Flotation Energy was founded on the principle of doing things differently, passionately and with integrity. Having diverse teams, especially when this is applied to critical thinking and problem solving, has enabled us to create new solutions to the many challenges involved in developing offshore wind at scale.

By being inquisitive, by learning, adapting and by always being inclusive and ready to share, we continue to make Flotation Energy an inspiring place to work.

Job title: Senior Legal Counsel (EPC)

Role profile

To support multi-disciplinary teams across all Flotation Energy projects and joint ventures, both in the UK and abroad, and across non-contentious construction, supply chain/procurement and related commercial matters.

Key accountabilities

  • Drafting and negotiating engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts, service contracts and other agreements generally used in the offshore wind construction industry in respect of Flotation Energy projects and joint ventures
  • Reviewing and developing Flotation Energy’s standard contracting principles and related contract playbook(s) and ensuring they are implemented
  • Reviewing and advising on:
    • parent company guarantees, performance bonds and related legal opinions etc
    • collateral warranties
    • contract administration including extensions of time and loss and expense claims
    • proximity and cable/pipeline crossing agreements
    • power purchase/offtake agreements
    • confidentiality agreements
    • other general commercial work on an ad hoc basis
  • Providing commercially focussed legal advice and support to internal clients and stakeholders across a range of functions, including Commercial, Procurement/Supply Chain, Finance and People and Culture teams
  • Preparing contractual risk summaries and attending tender boards (if required) to present the contractual risk summary to the management team
  • Organising and documenting any internal/joint venture approvals required to execute contracts by Flotation Energy/joint ventures
  • Supporting, delivering and working on materials, training, advice and implementation in relation to non-contentious construction, procurement and supply chain matters in general
  • Instructing and managing external counsel
  • Shared responsibility for managing and supporting up to two trainee solicitors
  • Following all company policies and procedures and actively support the continual improvement of the business management system (BMS) to ensure the goals and commitments of our Health, Safety, Quality, and Environment (HSEQS) policy are consistently met

Person specification

  • A qualified lawyer (Scots law or English law) with a minimum of 10 years’ post-qualification experience in private practice or in-house
  • Experience of drafting, negotiation and dispute management of EPC contracts for complex, high value energy projects
  • Experience of drafting, negotiating and advising on a wide range of standard form contracts (including FIDIC, LOGIC and NEC) as well as bespoke contract forms.
  • Experience:
    • in the offshore energy sector, ideally within offshore wind and/or oil & gas is advantageous
    • of non-recourse-financed energy projects is advantageous
  • The confidence, general knowledge and curiosity to advise in multiple practice areas across varied areas of the business
  • Experience of operating in a fast-paced environment, turning round drafting and review of documents in good time
  • The ability to make decisions and to work independently, with support from the wider Finance and Legal team as needed
  • Excellent commercial awareness and understanding of the needs of the business of a renewable energy developer
  • Excellent written and oral communication and interpersonal skills required to communicate with different teams based all over the world and instruct external counsel
  • Strong organisational skills with particular attention to detail and following up, and the ability to take ownership of matters
  • A flexible, pro-active and collaborative approach

Renumeration Package

  • Base salary - commensurate with experience
  • 35 days Annual Leave (incl bank holidays) with an option to buy up to 5 additional days per year
  • Pension contributions - 10% non-contributory pension
  • Other benefits
    • Group Income protection
    • Private Medical Insurance
    • Group life insurance (3 X annual salary)
    • Teladoc Health - available 24/7, you and your immediate family will have access to medical and wellbeing support
    • Cycle to work scheme - save up to 42% on bikes and accessories
    • Car benefit scheme - salary sacrifice/saving on tax and National Insurance
    • Flexible working
    • Supportive, encouraging dedicated well-being team
  • Discretionary annual bonus

How to apply

To apply, please click here. Please ensure you attach your CV and include a covering letter which illustrates why you feel you are right for the role in the text box provided.
Click here for more information about Flotation Energy or for any queries, please email

Note for Recruitment Agencies – Flotation Energy resourcing team is responsible for managing all current vacancies through direct hiring and referrals wherever possible. We work with recruitment agencies from time to time and where we do require external support, we will formally release those vacancies to our preferred agencies.

Tax & Succession Lawyer

Location: Glasgow Turcan Connell

We are trusted and respected legal and tax planning experts and our approach to providing a personal and tailored service is the secret of our success.

The Firm acts on behalf of individuals, including businesspeople, entrepreneurs, landowners and works with several charities, philanthropists, and trustees to guide and manage complex legal and financial affairs on their behalf.

With a close-knit team of around 230 colleagues including 26 Partners across offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, Turcan Connell’s comprehensive service covers everything required for efficient tax, estate and succession planning and advises on the many aspects of land and property management and transactions. We also handle the complexities of divorce and family law, employment law and dispute resolution advice as well as providing a range of business law services to our clients.

Tax & Succession Lawyer

We have a new opportunity for a lawyer to join one of our Tax & Succession teams led by Pete Murrin and Simran Panesar-Saggu based in our Glasgow office. Ideally individuals will be Scottish qualified with 7 plus years post qualification experience. However, consideration will be given to lawyers at any level who can demonstrate ambition, a willingness to put clients first and who set high standards for themselves.

The role is principally based in our Glasgow office, although we support a hybrid working approach through our Smarter Working policy. We are open to either part-time or full-time candidates.


Our lawyers advise individuals and families on all aspects of tax & succession planning. Our clients will commonly have complex estates and tax profiles engaging professional service across the specialist practice areas of the firm.  Our lawyers are expected to provide a breadth of specialist advice around Wills and succession; trust formation, administration and governance; wealth planning and asset protection; executry practice; and in respect of vulnerable and incapable adults.

The successful candidate will demonstrate high technical efficiency and experience in the firm’s core areas of private client practice. The candidate should have experience acting for a range of private clients including those with complex asset profiles, and business and land interests.

The role will involve working closely with other tax and succession, land and property, business law, charity law, family law, employment law and litigation experts to ensure fully integrated holistic advice for clients.


You will be a strong team player with sound practical and technical experience, and the enthusiasm to develop your technical skills and legal career further in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. You will be a full STEP member or be willing to complete the STEP diploma (which will be funded by Turcan Connell).

You will be self-sufficient, commercially aware, and able to handle a wide variety of challenging work with minimum supervision.

As you will become a trusted adviser and sounding board to our clients, you will need to have an interest in people and their affairs, and to act always with discretion and empathy.  

The role represents a fantastic opportunity to further develop a career in a collegiate and professional environment with an unrivalled technical reputation. We are committed to developing talent and providing outstanding training opportunities within a supportive and friendly Glasgow office.

Application Process

If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please complete the application form and upload your CV at

Privacy Statement: By applying and submitting an application for a position within Turcan Connell, applicants’ information will be held by the Firm for the purpose for which it was collected. All applications will be deleted following a period of twelve months.

Welcome to a very different kind of law firm. One that recognises its success is down to its people. Where you can be yourself. Be inspired by your talented work colleagues. Where you’ll feel part of a dynamic team. Where, right from the start, you will be trusted with responsibility. This is what a rewarding career looks like at Thorntons.

What to expect

Our Residential Property team has a wealth of experience in all aspects of property law but what sets us apart is our commitment to delivering the very best service to each and every client. We are now seeking a talented and enthusiastic Residential Property Lawyer at either Senior Solicitor or Associate level to join our busy team. The scope of the role will include the following:

• Handling all aspects of a busy residential property caseload including purchase, sale, new build matters, re-mortgages and title transfers
• On occasion, providing commercial legal services to Property Developers who are acquiring land and buildings for development
• Managing a full portfolio of transactions
• Liaising with third parties such as other solicitors and banks
• Maximising the firm’s potential by identifying other opportunities for other service areas
• Developing strong client relationships and networks with other business professionals
• Building relationships with, and supporting other colleagues across the firm
• Supported professional development and career progression

What we’re looking for

• An experienced residential property lawyer, confident handling a busy workload
• Ambitious and commercially aware, with key strengths in building and sustaining strong client relationships and supervising and developing more junior members of staff
• Good organisational skills
• Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a multi locational team
• Passionate about getting the best outcome for your clients
• A drive to contribute to the team and further business development in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas

Doing What’s Right

A great working environment is the first thing you’ll notice. One where you’ll be inspired and supported by your colleagues. Where we’ll help you achieve what you want from your career. Where you can have both flexibility and connection with our supportive culture. Where you are valued. Where your voice is heard and you can make a difference through our employee network groups.

As your employer

Our benefits package goes well beyond competitive remuneration and we recognise and reward the hard work and effort you put in - learn more at rewarding you

For your Health and Wellbeing
Our Healthcare Cash Plan covers things like dental, optical, physiotherapy, chiropody, therapy and health screening needs. Our mental health first aiders and access to a 24-hour counselling line provide support for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

For your Family

We offer sector-leading family-friendly policies and flexible working arrangements to help you enjoy the best possible work-life balance. Our inclusive policies include fully paid maternity, adoption or shared parental leave of 26 weeks, followed by 13 weeks on half pay and a phased return to work on full pay, as well as 12 weeks fully paid partner or paternity leave. We also offer paid leave for, assisted conception and IVF treatment, and for colleagues who experience loss.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

We strongly believe in a diverse and inclusive working environment: one that does not tolerate any form of discrimination at any level. We value a truly diverse workforce: we are all equally different. We celebrate our individuality: from gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, faith to life experience, we know our differences make us stronger, together.

For our Community

We’re proud to be part of the communities we serve across Scotland, that’s why we actively engage with charities that support them. From our annual Charity Wills campaign to regular fundraising and volunteering opportunities, our colleagues give back to communities with skills and advocacy as well as funds.

Apply online at

Our Advocacy Unit at Thompsons is expanding and we are seeking Solicitors and Solicitor Advocates to join our team.

Our Advocacy Unit supports all aspects of the firm’s litigation work from initial opinion, through to proof appearance which allow us to provide an inclusive and tailored experience for our clients.

This role is suitable for an existing Solicitor Advocate to develop their experience and for Solicitors eager to develop their litigation experience with a view to gaining extended rights of audience in future. This role will not include a case holding and requires time to be fully dedicated to advocacy work.  

Key Responsibilities:

• Conduct all aspects of oral and written advocacy, including consultations with pursuers.
• Provide legal advice and support to pursuers on all aspects of personal injury cases (training will be provided as required on specialised areas of law).
• Conduct negotiations and settlement discussions.
• Work along with Counsel and Senior Counsel.
• Work collaboratively with colleagues across departments to deliver a seamless client service.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of relevant laws, procedures, and court rules.


• Experience in dealing with a range of personal injury litigation cases.
• Excellent drafting, analytical, and negotiation skills.
• Strong communication and interpersonal abilities.
• Ability to manage a busy work schedule effectively and meet deadlines.
Thompsons for You

At Thompsons, we value our employees and prioritise their well-being. Through our employee assistance and wellness programme, we offer a package of benefits to help you thrive within our community. Alongside a stimulating work environment, we offer:

• Competitive salary – commensurate with experience
• Support is obtaining Extended Rights of Audience (if required)
• Training & development opportunities
• Excellent pension scheme
• Hybrid working options
• Flexitime and flexible working arrangements
• Social & charitable activities

If you think this role would suit you, please email your CV to quoting ‘ADUNIT’ in the subject line. If you would like any further information, please feel free to get in touch as well.

Closing Date: 24 January 2024 (although speculative inquiries are always welcome)

Recruitment Privacy Notice

Our newly formed Life Impact Team at Thompsons has an exciting opportunity for a Solicitor or Associate to join us.

This rewarding role will allow you to work with a team of highly skilled, trauma-informed lawyers who specialise in providing support to clients affected by significant life events.

The team use their skills to pursue personal injury claims for survivors of historical abuse, those who have suffered complex or catastrophic injuries, and families of individuals who have been fatally injured, ensuring they receive the justice they deserve. Litigation is mainly through the Court of Session as individual actions, with the National PI Court and Group Proceedings being used when appropriate.

We are one of Scotland’s largest and most successful personal injury law firms. As award-winning specialist lawyers, we exclusively represent individuals who have been wronged. We use our expert knowledge to push boundaries, driven by empathy and dedication to our clients. At Thompsons, you won’t just find a job; you’ll discover a meaningful career that makes a difference.

We are looking for a Solicitor or Associate who is passionate about helping others and thrives in a collaborative team environment.


• Minimum of 3 years’ PQE
• Experience in employer, occupiers’ and public liability cases
• Ability to commute to one of our Scottish offices at least two days per week
• A full driving licence and access to a car for home and site visits

Thompsons for You

At Thompsons, we value our employees and prioritise their well-being. Through our employee assistance and wellness programme, we offer a package of benefits to help you thrive within our community. Alongside a stimulating work environment, we offer:

• Competitive salary – commensurate with experience
• Welfare support – tailored to casework demands
• Training & development opportunities
• Excellent pension scheme
• Hybrid working options
• Flexitime and flexible working arrangements
• Social & charitable activities

If you think this role would suit you, we’d love to hear from you. To apply, or for any further information about the role, please email your CV to quoting ‘LISOL’ in the subject line.

Closing Date: 24 January 2024

Family Law Solicitor

Location: Edinburgh TC Young

TC Young are looking to strengthen their Family Law Team with a solicitor who will be based in their Edinburgh office. The successful candidate will report to the family partners in Edinburgh. This role is full-time and would suit an ambitious individual looking to progress their career in a supportive and progressive environment.

This is an opportunity to join one of Edinburgh’s leading family law teams and to work closely with our highly regarded partners who are accredited specialists in Family Law.

We are looking for…

• A minimum of 2 years’ post-qualified experience preferred
• Excellent communication skills – written and oral
• Ability to prioritise and manage case load effectively
• Good working knowledge of SLAB
• Good research skills
• Family law experience  
• Ability to work under pressure
• Well organised.

Interested candidates should send their CV (limited to 2 pages), along with a covering letter/email outlining why the role is of interest, by email to

A copy of our privacy notice can be found here

We are looking for an experienced Tax Manager to join one of the country’s largest Private Client teams.

Your role

Focused on tax, you will be responsible for the compliance aspects of a varied portfolio of clients.  Responsibilities include:
• Completion/Review of tax returns for individuals, Trusts and Estates;
• Completion/Review of Registrations on the Trust Registration Service;
• Triaging Executry cases for the private client team.
• Preparing/Reviewing Residuary Income Statements and R185s certificates
• Providing advice on all aspects of CGT residential property disposals;
• Providing advice on residence for clients coming to and from the UK and the tax implication thereon.

Skills Required:

• Tax Qualification.
• Have experience in a Tax specific role including experience of all aspects of Personal Taxation and Capital Gains Tax.
• Trust and Estate taxation and/or administration experience.
• Hold a tax specific qualification
• Ability to develop client relationships and provide excellent service in a time efficient manner.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Capable of working within the tax team and the private client department,and working alongside other departments as required.
• Be versatile.

Let your ambitions and ours go hand in hand

At Harper Macleod you’ll be part of a collective effort that is never satisfied: celebrating the successes and inspiring one another to always improve.  You want to deliver extraordinary results for your clients.  We want to deliver extraordinary opportunities for you and encourage you to make a difference.

Harper Macleod’s culture is the sum of the actions of the people who make up our business – it’s built around taking calculated risks and pushing for innovative solutions.  You know the law, but you also know that there’s much more to being a lawyer than that.

You know that doing things the right way is always the best way – the right things for clients, colleagues, and our communities.  We will never compromise on this.

We are a business that has been named Law Firm of the Year eight times, ranked in The Times Scotland Best Law Firms 2024, and named ESG Firm of the Year 2023.  We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, active colleague engagement, wellbeing, sustainability & CSR programs, and the opportunity to develop your career.

We believe the best is yet to come for Harper Macleod.  If this sounds like the type of firm you’d like to be part of, maybe the best is yet to come for you?

Harper Macleod LLP is committed to promoting equal opportunities and developing a diverse workforce.

To apply please send your CV and current salary to Zach McLaren:

We are looking for an experienced Tax Assistant to join one of the country’s largest Private Client teams.

Your role

Focused on tax, you will be responsible for the compliance aspects of a varied portfolio of clients.  Responsibilities include:
• Completion of tax returns for individuals, Trusts and Estates accurately and timeously;
• Completion or review of Registrations on the Trust Registration Service;
• Reviewing Deceased cases for the wider department and preparing Residuary Income Statements and R185s certificates
• Completion of CGT returns for residential property disposals;
• Works within the team to help progress on-going projects

Skills Required:

• Experience in a Tax specific role including experience of all aspects of Personal Taxation, Capital Gains Tax, and also a knowledge and experience of Trust taxation and administration.
• Hold a tax specific qualification e.g. ATT, SOLAS, CTA.
• Ability to develop client relationships and provide excellent service in a time efficient manner
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Capable of working within the tax team and the private client department, and working alongside other fee earners/departments as required.

Let your ambitions and ours go hand in hand

At Harper Macleod you’ll be part of a collective effort that is never satisfied: celebrating the successes and inspiring one another to always improve.  You want to deliver extraordinary results for your clients.  We want to deliver extraordinary opportunities for you and encourage you to make a difference.

Harper Macleod’s culture is the sum of the actions of the people who make up our business – it’s built around taking calculated risks and pushing for innovative solutions.  You know the law, but you also know that there’s much more to being a lawyer than that.

You know that doing things the right way is always the best way – the right things for clients, colleagues, and our communities.  We will never compromise on this.

We are a business that has been named Law Firm of the Year eight times, ranked in The Times Scotland Best Law Firms 2024, and named ESG Firm of the Year 2023.  We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, active colleague engagement, wellbeing, sustainability & CSR programs, and the opportunity to develop your career.

We believe the best is yet to come for Harper Macleod.  If this sounds like the type of firm you’d like to be part of, maybe the best is yet to come for you?

Harper Macleod LLP is committed to promoting equal opportunities and developing a diverse workforce.

To apply please send your CV and current salary to Zach McLaren:

Private Client Lawyer, (PQE 5+) (Glasgow)

Location: Glasgow Harper Macleod LLP

Are you an experienced Private Client Solicitor looking to take your career to the next level? Do you have a passion for providing bespoke legal services to high-net-worth individuals and families? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you!

About the Role

We are seeking a dedicated and skilled Private Client Solicitor with at least 5+ PQE to join one of the largest private client teams in the country, based in our Glasgow office. In this role, you will have a varied caseload and will deal with all aspects of Wills, trusts, estate planning (to include IHT and CGT planning), executries and adults with incapacity matters. In particular, the successful candidate will have existing experience of each of the following:

• Advising on inheritance tax and estate planning, including agricultural and business property reliefs.
• Drafting Trusts and complex Will provisions to meet clients’ bespoke needs.
• Managing executry and trust administrations, including for taxable complex estates
• Delivering proactive and detailed advice to clients particularly in relation tax planning

About You

To excel in this role, you will:

• Have the STEP Diploma
• Draft and review documents with meticulous attention to detail
• Have strong technical expertise in Wills, Trusts, and complex estate administration
• Have a good understanding of the taxation of trusts
• Have a commercial mindset and confidence in collaborating with third parties and with colleagues across the firm to deliver a comprehensive client service

Let your ambitions and ours go hand in hand.

At Harper Macleod you’ll be part of a collective effort that is never satisfied: celebrating the successes and inspiring one another to always improve. You want to deliver extraordinary results for your clients. We want to deliver extraordinary opportunities for you and encourage you to make a difference.

Harper Macleod’s culture is the sum of the actions of the people who make up our business – it’s built around taking calculated risks and pushing for innovative solutions. You know the law, but you also know that there’s much more to being a lawyer than that.

You know that doing things the right way is always the best way – the right things for clients, colleagues, and our communities. We will never compromise on this.

We are a business that has been named Law Firm of the Year eight times, ranked in The Times Scotland Best Law Firms 2024, and named ESG Firm of the Year 2023. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, active colleague engagement, wellbeing, sustainability & CSR programs, and the opportunity to develop your career.

We believe the best is yet to come for Harper Macleod. If this sounds like the type of firm you’d like to be part of, maybe the best is yet to come for you?

Harper Macleod LLP is committed to promoting equal opportunities and developing a diverse workforce.

To apply please send your CV to

Following an exciting period of growth we are looking for Personal Injury Solicitors to join our Personal Injury Team.  

The successful candidates will be responsible for managing their own case load of claimant work.  There is also opportunity for those looking for a senior team leader role.

The team deals with a variety of claims including road traffic, employer liability, public liability and medical negligence claims.  

We are inviting candidates that have Personal Injury experience and are passionate about client care.  This presents an opportunity to join and grow your own career within one of Scotland’s largest and leading personal injury teams.  

You’ll join a talented team, which is highly recommended in both Chambers UK and The Legal 500 and includes four Law Society of Scotland Accredited Specialists.

Let your ambitions and ours go hand in hand.

At Harper Macleod you’ll be part of a collective effort that is never satisfied: celebrating the successes and inspiring one another to always improve. You want to deliver extraordinary results for your clients. We want to deliver extraordinary opportunities for you and encourage you to make a difference.

Harper Macleod’s culture is the sum of the actions of the people who make up our business – it’s built around taking calculated risks and pushing for innovative solutions. You know the law, but you also know that there’s much more to being a lawyer than that.

You know that doing things the right way is always the best way – the right things for clients, colleagues, and our communities. We will never compromise on this.

We are a business that has been named Law Firm of the Year eight times, ranked in The Times Scotland Best Law Firms 2024, and named ESG Firm of the Year 2023. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, active colleague engagement, wellbeing, sustainability & CSR programs, and the opportunity to develop your career.

We believe the best is yet to come for Harper Macleod. If this sounds like the type of firm you’d like to be part of, maybe the best is yet to come for you?

Harper Macleod LLP is committed to promoting equal opportunities and developing a diverse workforce.

To apply please send your CV to

Salary; £40,000 to £44,000 dependent on experience | Flexible Working Arrangements

Are you passionate about advocating for children’s rights and tackling discrimination within the education system? Govan Law Centre’s Education Law Unit (ELU) is seeking a dedicated and experienced senior solicitor to lead the team. This full-time role offers the opportunity to make a meaningful impact, with job-share options available for the right candidates.

About Us: The ELU represents children and young people across Scotland who face challenges due to Additional Support Needs (ASN). We fight for fair treatment and work tirelessly to secure suitable educational provisions for those who have been marginalised or discriminated against. Our work often involves complex cases where legal expertise can change lives.

Our Policy and Strategic Litigation project collaborates closely with the Scottish Government and key advocacy groups to shape and implement impactful legislation. ELU members actively participate in national forums, ensuring that the voices of our client group are heard and that critical issues are addressed.

Currently, our Education Law Unit delivers the Let’s Talk ASN Scotland project - an initiative that provides legal representation to families of children with ASN. Through this project, we assist parents and carers in navigating the often complex processes of securing appropriate educational support. GLC are awaiting the outcome of a tendering process to continue providing this service.

The Role: This role is ideal for a solicitor with experience in court and tribunal advocacy, particularly in cases involving education law and discrimination. You will be joining a progressive community law centre committed to expanding these nationally recognised projects. Based in Govan, Orkney Street, the position will require some travel within Scotland, but GLC offers a blended working model with flexible home/remote working options.

Key Responsibilities:

• Advocacy & Representation: Provide expert legal representation for children, young people, and their families at tribunals and court hearings, focusing on additional support needs and discrimination.
• Advice & Support: Offer comprehensive legal advice and support to pupils and their parents, through various communication channels including telephone, email, and in-person consultations.
• Training & Development: Deliver training sessions aligned with ELU’s strategic objectives, enhancing awareness and understanding of education law issues among stakeholders.
• Policy Influence: Contribute to our policy work by identifying and addressing systemic issues within the education system, helping to drive meaningful legislative change.
• Funders: To work closely and report to funders of the service and to report areas of concern in the provision of education
• Stakeholders: To work closely with all stakeholders and enhance knowledge through participation in working groups, training sessions etc.
• Teamwork: To be responsible for supervision and support of the legal and casework team

Person Specification:

• Essential:
o Degree in Scots law
o Diploma in Legal Practice
o Full Law Society of Scotland practicing certificate
o Strong communication and presentation skills
o Excellent research and analytical abilities
o Ability to work efficiently with minimum supervision and meet deadlines
o Genuine commitment to children’s rights and social justice
• Desirable:
o Experience with issues related to discrimination in education
o Background in working directly with children and young people

Why Join Us? At Govan Law Centre, you’ll be part of a team that values justice, compassion, and community. We offer a supportive environment where your contributions will directly affect the lives of vulnerable individuals across Scotland. If you are driven by a commitment to social justice and have the legal expertise to make a difference, we encourage you to apply.

How to Apply: If you believe you have the skills and passion to excel in this role, please submit your CV along with a cover letter detailing your suitability and motivation for the position to Candy Walker, Govan Law Centre, Orkney Street Enterprise Centre, 18-20 Orkney Street, Glasgow G51 2BX or by e-mail to by 12 NOON ON WEDNESDAY 29TH JANUARY 2025.

Any applications received after the deadline will not be considered.



Location: Dundee MML

MML, one of Dundee’s leading law firms, with a busy employment law practice and expanding private client department has a vacancy for a Trainee. 

This is a great opportunity to join a dynamic, well-established and much-respected team.

Applicants should send CVs with a covering letter to

Trainee Solicitor

Location: Edinburgh NHS National Services Scotland

£26,869 - £28,998
Fixed term or Secondment
37 hours per week
Location: Gyle Square, Edinburgh

Two-year Legal Traineeship
Salary aligned to Law Society of Scotland recommended rate (currently AfC band 3) (please note payment of Law Society professional fees for CLO trainees by NSS is currently under discussion)

  • Traineeship x4 posts, Fixed Term: September 2026
  • 2 x Posts - Practice Areas: Litigation – 9 months, Employment Law – 9 months, Commercial Property – 3 months, and Commercial Contracts – 3 months (subject to departmental need)
  • 2 x Posts - Practice Areas: Litigation – 1 year, Employment Law – 1 year.

About the Organisation:

National Services Scotland (NSS) is a national NHS Board operating right at the heart of NHSScotland providing invaluable support and advice at a strategic and operational level. NSS supports customers to deliver their services more efficiently and effectively and we offer shared services on a national scale using best-in-class systems and standards. Our priority is always the same – to improve the health and well-being of the people of Scotland. We do this by working in partnership with colleagues across Health and Social Care to deliver fit for purpose solutions and systems, delivering high quality services that help our stakeholders to free up resources so they can be re-invested into essential services.

The Post:

The Central Legal Office (CLO) provides NHSScotland with legal advice and assistance in every area of law relevant to the health service. We operate a team-based structure, with four Departments – Litigation, Employment, Commercial Contracts and Commercial Property. Each Department comprises experienced solicitors and support staff committed to delivering a responsive and cost-effective service to clients across the NHS. CLO offers the opportunity to work in a hybrid manner, but also has a base at Gyle Square in Edinburgh.

CLO is recruiting for 4 trainees to commence in September 2026.  

Two of the posts will give successful candidates the opportunity to spend time in each of the four CLO practice areas.

Two of the posts will be split between the Employment and Litigation Departments.

The PEAT 2 programme will be followed for all posts.

The Candidate:

Successful candidates will have a degree in Scots Law at 2.1 level or equivalent, and a Diploma in Legal Practice by the time they start in post. (If candidates have completed their degree at the time of application their grade should be specified in the application).

CLO is a fantastic place to work, offering a varied and interesting range of work.

The successful candidate will be required to undergo a Disclosure Scotland check. Any candidate who have lived/worked overseas for more than 12 months in the preceding 5 years will also be required to provide a criminal record check from the appropriate overseas agency.

Location and Working Pattern:

Gyle Square, Edinburgh.

Currently hybrid working.

Monday to Friday, 37 hours per week

It is a condition of this employment that you must live and remain a resident within the UK for the post in which you will be employed with NSS.


Our benefits package includes pension scheme, comprehensive range of work life balance policies, occupational health services, learning resource centres and discounted leisure, financial and shopping benefits. HR Benefits Brochure.


NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) is a national board and, as an anchor institution, it is our ambition to be a diverse and inclusive organisation where everyone feels welcome. We recognise that flexible working creates an inclusive workplace where employees can thrive and feel confident about their ability to balance their personal and professional responsibilities. This is supported through Once for Scotland flexible working policies. NSS has made a long-term commitment to staff health and well-being and offers many learning and development opportunities to support and improve our approaches to diversity, inclusion and mental health in the workplace. There are a number of equality staff networks in place which all staff are welcome to join. We are also an equal opportunities employer and as such guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for our vacancies. As an accredited Disability Confident Leader, it is the aim of NSS to offer a fully accessible and inclusive recruitment service that supports applicants on their candidate journey. If you are interested in any reasonable adjustments, please contact the Recruitment Team on

Further information:

For an informal discussion on the post, please contact Hazel Craik, Head of Employment at or Jennifer Thomson, Legal Adviser at

Closing date for completed applications is 24th January 2025.

To apply please click here

Further information on NSS is available from:

Please note that the majority of correspondence is sent by e-mail only, so please check your e-mail regularly (including junk folders).

Events & Courses

Dates: 9am – 3.30pm, 21st February
Location: Online via Zoom
Cost: £75 for those employed in the legal sector or £10 for students
Trainers: Helen Hughes, Family Law and Domestic Abuse specialist

This training provides newly qualified solicitors, trainee solicitors, paralegals, and experienced law students (diploma and LLM/LLB students) with an introduction to domestic abuse, the impact of trauma, and an overview of the law on protective orders. Those who complete it will be given the opportunity to apply to shadow solicitors involved with the SWRC.

Attendees will:

• Have a stronger understanding of domestic abuse and trauma
• Be able to meet clients with a trauma-informed perspective
• Gain an overview on the law and case studies regarding protective orders.

Book online by clicking here.

The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre provides a range of training throughout the year for the legal profession and others who work with survivors of gender-based violence. Find our full training calendar on our website.

The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre is a unique collaborative project providing free legal information, advice, representation, and advocacy support to women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse.

5 February 2025

Live online | 1 hour’s verifiable CPD

Join us for an hour-long webinar on the management of pensions in cases of divorce and dissolution given the current financial landscape.

Pensions are often overlooked in cases of divorce, but they should be viewed as a highly important matter. Caroline Gillespie, Partner at Weightmans, will be using this webinar to briefly highlight the important statutes and case law in this field, to create a foundation from which she can deep dive into the details of handling pensions in the turbulence of the current financial markets.

No matter your level of experience this webinar promises new insight and information for everyone, with time guaranteed for discussion and questions with the speaker and fellow colleagues.

For more information or to book your place, please visit our website.

12 February 2025

Live online | 1.5 hours’ verifiable CPD

Join us in February to take stock of the latest proposals to change the law surrounding tenancies in Scotland. This webinar is for all legal professionals working in residential property.

Martin Bennett, Senior Associate at Harper Macleod LLP, will look at the law protecting those in tenancies and consider whether further protections are needed to strengthen the rights of tenants in Scotland. We will also consider how rent control would function in practice, and the impact that this could have on your clients.

For more information or to book your place, please visit our website.

28 January 2025

Live online | 1 hour’s verifiable CPD

Join us for an overview and update regarding third party rights to contracts in Scotland, with a particular focus on construction law and related case law.

Katherine Doran and Jonathan Gaskell, both partners at DWF, will look at:

  • The evolution of the Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Act 2017
  • Recent updates to third-party rights created through case law such as Engine Yard Edinburgh and Abbey Healthcare cases
  • Collateral warranties involving third-party contractual rights

For more information or to book your place, please visit our website.

The Scottish Young Lawyers Association is delighted to present Beyond the Basics of Clinical Negligence on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 at 9am.

We are pleased to welcome Ayla Iridag, advocate, Andrew Pollock, partner at Drummond Miller and Katherine Trail, solicitor at the NHS Central Legal Office.

Our speakers will discuss recent Scottish cases, the NHS and SPSO Complaints Procedure, how to satisfy the Hunter v Hanley test , the role of Fatal Accident Inquiries, the process of ingathering evidence as a Pursuer and Defender agent, the role of experts and counsel as well as the important of being a trauma-informed lawyer. 

This is a not-to-miss event for both trainee solicitors and practitioners with an interest in clinical negligence and is TCPD authorised. Attendance will be recorded for TCPD purposes.

This event is partnered with Ampersand Advocates and will be available for members to attend at Thorntons Law LLP, 4th Floor Lomond House, 9 George Square, Glasgow G2 1DY or via Zoom from 9am. There will be an opportunity for a Q&A with the audience. Please submit questions in advance to

Visit Eventbrite for details and to sign up.

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