Assisted Dying

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Jersey has approved plans to introduce an assisted dying law in the coming years. Members of the States Assembly voted 32 to 14 in favour of introducing the law for people with fewer than six months to live, or 12 months for those with a neurodegenerative condition.

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The Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland have released a joint statement opposing proposals to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill adults in Scotland. The Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill has been introduced as a private member's bill by Liam Mc

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Portugal has approved new legislation allowing for assisted dying and euthanasia in limited circumstances. The bill was approved by parliamentarians from the governing Socialist Party and its centre-left allies in spite of serious opposition from the country's conservative president, who had vetoed

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A proposal for a member's bill to enable competent adults who are terminally ill to be able to end their life has been lodged. Liam McArthur MSP launched a consultation on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill at Holyrood yesterday.

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Queensland has become the fifth Australian state to permit euthanasia. Terminally ill people in the state will be able to access drugs to end their own lives after the state legislature voted to legalise the practice.

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Some 200 medical professionals have expressed “great concern” over a proposed bill to grant the terminally ill the right to an assisted suicide. Health care professionals from various specialities have signed a letter to Health Secretary Humza Yousaf detailing their concerns.

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Jersey is to legalise assisted dying after a citizens’ jury voted in favour of a change in the law. Last week, 78 per cent of a citizens' jury that was convened on the issue said that terminally ill islanders should be able to seek help to end their life.

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A bill to legalise assisted dying is being lodged at Holyrood today. The proposals by Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur would introduce the right to an assisted death for terminally ill, mentally competent adults.

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