Companies House has taken a step towards greater certainty about who is filing information on behalf of companies. Today sees the launch of a new service that allows third-party corporate service providers, such as accountants, legal professionals and company formation agents to apply to regis
Companies House
Companies House has published its first ever strategic intelligence assessment as it steps up its work to tackle economic crime. The strategic intelligence assessment gives an analysis of the key threats Companies House faces. It aims to guide future prioritisation, decision making, risk ident
Companies House has been given new powers to tackle fraudulent information on the company register under legislation which received royal assent yesterday. The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act introduces what the UK government calls "world-leading powers" to allow authorities to proacti
Vick Ward discusses proposed changes to the role of Companies House. The government’s recent response to the consultation on options to enhance the role of Companies House and increase the transparency of UK corporate entities focused on a plan to reform the powers Companies House has in regar