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The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC will today visit a leading science research centre where the secrets of cold cases are unlocked and new techniques to prosecute crimes of the future are being developed. Ms Bain will meet with scientists at the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science at the

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A forfeiture order has been made against a man for more than £52,700 due to his links with those involved in serious crime, including human trafficking, crimes of dishonesty and crimes of violence. The forfeiture order against William McPhee Junior was granted under the account forfeiture prov

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A father and son have been sentenced to 300 hours of unpaid work for animal welfare offences, illegal puppy farming and a consumer protection offence involving multiple identities to sell puppies on Gumtree. At Elgin Sheriff Court yesterday, Samuel Ronald Hessin and his son Samuel Arthur Hessin were

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Two men have been given community payback orders (CPO) for illegal metal detecting, damaging a historic monument and removing an artefact. Metal detectorists Andrejs Grisulis, 35 and Matthew Madden, 55 had previously pled guilty to heritage offences at Dunoon Sheriff Court.

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Holyrood Secondary School have been hailed as winners of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) national schools public speaking competition held at Parliament House. Mairin Campbell-Thow and Rose Usher, both 13 and in S2 at the Glasgow school, teamed up to triumph in a keenly contes

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An Edinburgh GP has been jailed for four years for the rape of a woman he met through an online dating site. Dr Manesh Gill, 39, was sentenced to four years imprisonment after being found guilty of sexually assaulting his victim when they met for the first time.

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A Shetland-based company has been fined £80,000 after an employee sustained fatal injuries after being struck by a forklift truck. QA Fish Ltd, a fish processing company based at Blacksness Pier, Scalloway, pled guilty to health and safety breaches committed between 6 January 2014 and 31 Janua

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A 56-year-old fishing boat skipper has been fined £3,211 after being found guilty of illegal fishing in a marine protected area off Scotland’s northwest coast. Alex Murray, of the Isle of Lewis, was in charge of the FV Star of Annan while it was operating with its fishing gear deployed w

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A member of an organised crime gang who helped arrange the murder of a Dutch journalist has been jailed for life. Christopher Hughes, 33, was with Martin Kok, 49, when he was shot and killed outside the Boccaccio Club in Laren, Holland on 8 December 2016. He had alerted others to Mr Kok’s loca

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The Crown Office has begun an investigation into claims that perjury was committed during the trial of Alex Salmond. Mr Salmond's lawyers have written to prosecutors over concerns that evidence that was given in court ran contrary to statements that were later given to MSPs on an inquiry.

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A man who knocked a cyclist off his bike on a rural Fife road and killed him has been jailed for more than two years. Adam Fernie, 80, failed to see Iain Anderson, 66, cycling on the B937 near Ladybank in Fife and hit him with his truck. The collision smashed the windscreen of the Nissan Cabstar and

166-180 of 250 Articles