
16-27 of 27 Articles
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The Commons' European Scrutiny Committee has begun an inquiry into the future of EU law that was copied into the UK statute book to avoid a legal cliff-edge when the country left the block. The move comes after the UK government confirmed it will bring forward a ‘Brexit Freedoms’ Bill wh

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Retail giant Amazon has been charged by the European Commission over its use of sales data on independent retailers to "illegally" obtain an advantage in the European marketplace. In July last year, the Commission opened an in-depth investigation to assess Amazon's use of sensitive data. The data co

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The European Union has begun legal proceedings against Poland for undermining the rule of law as it expressed “serious concern” the country will not host "free and fair" elections next month. Mateusz Morawiecki, the prime minister of Poland, has said a postal ballot will take place next

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The UK Supreme Court is "still obliged" to refer questions over unclear EU laws to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) at this stage of the Brexit process, Lord Hodge has said. The deputy president of the court made the remarks yesterday as he delivered, via video link, the court's una

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The EU Commission has been accused of adopting “fascist” rhetoric after it created a new post of “Commissioner for Protecting our European Way of Life” to oversee immigration policy. Ursula von der Leyen, incoming Commission president, unveiled the role along with the rest of

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The UK government could face legal action over the treatment of EU citizens who were denied the right to vote in the European elections because of clerical errors at local councils. Anneli Howard, a barrister who specialises in EU law, said the debacle had infringed EU law, including article 20 of t

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EU member states have two years to implement controversial new copyright laws following their adoption by the EU Council of Ministers. Ireland and the UK were among the 19 member states who voted in favour of the adoption of the EU Copyright Directive at yesterday's meeting, with just six countries

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Representatives of the top courts in each of the 28 EU member states visited Dublin this week for a two-day seminar. The Association of Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union (ACA-Europe) seminar was hosted by the Supreme Court of Ireland and its president,

16-27 of 27 Articles