
436-450 of 1712 Articles
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Alice Minick believes the Court of Session case Van Oord UK Ltd v Dragados, which overturned an adjudicator's decision on the grounds of a breach of natural justice, provides an interesting opportunity to examine a successful challenge of an adjudicator's decision. It is unusual these days

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The Scottish government’s new Strategy for Economic Transformation for the next decade has been drawn up. The strategy focuses on the three areas of promoting investment, start-up business ventures and new green industries, and its goal is to see the Scottish economy outperform economic growth

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Hamish Lean discusses how farmers in Scotland have been outbid by the forestry industry, as the value of hill land rises. Is productive agricultural land being lost to forestry in the race to meet net-zero? There has been concern within the agricultural industry for some time that this is the case.

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Businesses that breach UK consumer protection laws will be subject to fines of up to 10 per cent of their annual global turnover under proposed changes to UK legislation. The plans are part of a broader suit of legislative changes which will bolster the UK’s consumer law enforcement regime. Ou

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The Auditor General’s recent report on the construction of two CalMac ferries identifies various failures. One critical aspect is the breakdown of relationships between two of the main protagonists, CMAL, the Scottish government-owned ferry purchasers, and FMEL, the ferry builders, alongside f

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David J Black reminds the powers that be of the separation of powers. It goes without saying that all those who are in the business of dealing with the intricacies of legal process enjoy harvesting the ripened fruits of historic precedent. These can go back a long way, but not often as far as the 5

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It was Robert Burns who wrote: "Facts are chiels that winna ding, and downa be disputed." He was of course writing about royalty in his 1786 poem, A Dream. Burns was most certainly not thinking of future Scottish legal expenses when he penned these words! Yet as with much of the Bard's work, there i

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Law enforcement agencies probing suspected financial crimes have the right to additional time when necessary to properly investigate, a Scottish court has ruled. The landmark decision handed down by the Sheriff Appeal Court underlines the emphasis placed by courts on “allowing law enforcement

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New approaches to protecting and restoring nature are the theme of recent publications by NatureScot and the (UK government) Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, writes Neil Collar. The availability and shortcomings of legal tools are key factors in achieving those objectives.

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The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day last month was #breakthebias. The focus was on establishing “a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination". When I started out studying law at the University of Aberdeen in 2006, I was very aware that the majority of my c

436-450 of 1712 Articles