The idea of the public interest and the desirability of a fatal accident inquiry developed and appeared in new law at the end of the 19th century. Heavy industrial occupations, and other sorts of similar manual work with inherent dangers might have been thought to be the basis of attention for the l
Our Legal Heritage
In the first of our occasional series highlighting Scotland’s legal treasures, we examine a charter in the keeping of the Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow which is a remarkably early example of a woman asserting her rights.
While commemorating Scottish lawyers who fell during the two World Wars, we reach a sad anniversary on Christmas Eve regarding the death of Major Ernest Alexander Maclagan Wedderburn (otherwise known as Sandy). Major Wedderburn died 80 years ago on 24 December 1944 as a result of a tragic accident.
Robert Shiels completes his look at the life of Sir Thomas Thornton LLD. Thornton also interested himself in the field of education, as clerk to the school board gave him an intimate knowledge of the various education acts. He was consulted by Miss Baxter and Dr Boyd Baxter about the establishment o
Robert Shiels looks in two parts at the life of Sir Thomas Thornton, LLD, solicitor, Dundee, to whom the law firm Thorntons traces its roots. There was a time when solicitors were often referred to as writers, procurators, law agents or advocates (as in Aberdeen) and also more simply as men of busin
A clan gathering has highlighted the remarkable relationship between one of Scotland’s most historic families and law firm Lindsays.
A Highland law firm has uncovered ties to a historic court case that prompted major changes in Scots law. Charles Innes, founding partner of Innes & Mackay, secured a verdict of 'not guilty' in the first documented legal victory for Highland crofters – representing three men for their part
Graham Ogilvy tells the story of the remarkable Scottish advocate who became a reforming lord chancellor, developed the French Riveira and narrowly avoided a damaging sex scandal. The next time you are promenading along the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, spare a thought for Henry Peter Brougham, the
Ronnie Clancy KC writes about a sensational murder trial stemming from a toxic political rivalry and scurrilous journalism that took place in the High Court in Edinburgh 200 years ago, the full version of which appears on his blog Read me my Rights. The accused was the survivor of a duel betwee
As Halloween approaches, the perennially popular witch costume will be donned by guisers across the country, Professor Bill Naphy writes. Images of witches have appeared in various forms throughout history – from evil, wart-nosed women huddling over a cauldron of boiling liquid to hag-faced, c
A dead lover, traces of poison and series of letters that led to a middle-class woman on the stand – the case of Madeleine Smith held all the characteristics of a scandal to rock Victorian Scotland. True crime enthusiasts are in for a treat as the University of Dundee’s Leverhulme Resear
The bland reference in many books to ‘lawyers’ may understate seriously the exact nature of the work done in practice. Individual histories of firms and individuals provide an insight as to the formation of firms, their longevity and the work of the solicitors and their staff. Several di
A legal job can be stressful in many ways at the best of times. Allan Ker WS, however, had a very difficult time that is unlikely to have been matched by many others in the profession although some of his contemporaries would doubtless understand the difficulties. Allan Ebenezer Ker was born in Edin
The recent focus on Britain’s involvement in slavery has obscured the fact that slavery also existed in Scotland, writes Robert Shiels.
Death and taxes are inevitable, and following the former kindly obituaries may and often do follow but a recitation of platitudes was not always certain in earlier times, writes Robert Shiels. The death of Sir Archibald Alison in 1867 produced an obituary that must, surely, be seen as being not