School Mock Court

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The School Mock Court Case Project (SCIO) is looking for lawyer volunteers. SCIO provides educational programmes in which students get the opportunity to learn about legal rights and citizenship through realistically enacted mock court trials.

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The School Mock Court Case Project is to host senior European judges. While visiting Scotland, the judges will visit secondary schools to give talks to students about their roles and experiences, with a focus on current events.

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An educational initiative teaching school pupils oral advocacy skills is looking for legal tutors. The School Mock Court Case Project runs an educational programme through a UK and worldwide inter-school competition that sees school children argue a mock trial in a real court in front of a sheriff.

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Schools in El Salvador, South Africa, Bulgaria, England and Germany have joined together to compete with Scotland in the School Mock Court’s first-ever international programme. The project has turned the restrictions of Covid-19 into a positive opportunity for primary and secondary pupils worl

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