
91-105 of 128 Articles
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Following a successful inaugural virtual court, the Bail Appeal Court will now convene daily with the presiding appeal sheriff, clerk of court, prosecutor and defence counsel or solicitors all participating remotely. Traditionally the Bail Court sat in Edinburgh, originally in the High Court and mor

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Juries in High Court trials in Scotland will convene in cinemas to hear cases remotely in the autumn. The Lord Justice General, Lord Carloway, has approved the recommendation from the Restarting Solemn Trials Working Group to create remote jury centres in cinemas.

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The Civil Justice Committee of the Law Society of Scotland has called on the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) to urgently review a decision to refuse paper-based simple procedure actions. SCTS has confirmed to the Law Society that, except in exceptional circumstances, simp

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Arrangements are being put in place to reopen court and tribunal buildings next week as part of phase 1 of the Scottish government's COVID-19 Routemap. The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) plans to gradually reintroduce a small number of staff and judiciary to buildings currently closed.

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Sheriff courts can now proceed to hear and dispose of cases where it is agreed by parties that they can be resolved without the need for a trial. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, criminal court business in Scotland is currently limited to urgent and essential business which includes custody hearings

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An Inverness Sheriff Court commercial case will provide the first opportunity to test the use of virtual court hearings in Scotland’s sheriff courts.  Tuesday’s hearing will enable parties in the case to appear before Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle in a virtual courtroom.

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Dr Sophie Flemig has been appointed to the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service Board. Dr Flemig is the chief executive of Cattanach, an independent funder supporting work with infants and very young children. Before this she was the director of public policy at the Scottish Legal Complaints Commis

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The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has provided an update on its work to restore Sheriff Court civil business. In a statement it said that "while a return to business as usual is not viable in the near future, we do believe that with the cooperation of the legal profession we

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All Sheriff Court business has been consolidated into 10 courts across Scotland. In response to the government restrictions on movement during the emergency, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service is now moving to the next phase of its contingency plans.

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Owing to the current emergency, the Lord President and Lord Advocate have agreed to a programme of changes to criminal court business, which together with changes to civil court business, tribunal hearings and the work of the Office of the Public Guardian aim to provide a sustainable response during

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No new criminal jury trials will be commenced in Scotland from today, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has announced. The SCTS said in a statement: "Based on the government’s response to coronavirus we are continually reviewing the operation of the courts and tribunal

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