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The volume of High Court indictments registered in recent quarters continues to be above 200 per quarter, a trend expected to continue due to increased reporting of sexual offending. The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service's quarterly statistical bulletin also reveal that 2,492 petitions

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Jurors and others should continue to attend Scottish courts as usual during the Coronavirus outbreak if they are not displaying symptoms, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has said. Anyone who has received medical advice to self-isolate should not attend court or any SCTS buildings, a

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The value of fines and penalties collected in the last three years has risen in all categories, reflecting consistently strong collection rates, the new Quarterly Fines Report from the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service reveals. The 43rd Quarterly Fines Report shows that the value of Sheriff Cour

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New hearing facilities for the additional support needs jurisdiction within the Health and Education Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland in Glasgow were formally opened yesterday by May Dunsmuir, Chamber President of the Health and Education Chamber and the Minister for Children and Youn

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A new initiative gets underway today in three sheriff courts, Dundee, Hamilton and Paisley, piloting a new approach to summary criminal cases. The pilot will change the way in which the court manages those cases and, in doing so, test the benefits of stronger judicial case management and earlier eng

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Users of services provided by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) staff are extremely satisfied – with 92 per cent of people who took part in a survey declaring their overall satisfaction. This equals the record satisfaction level of 92 per cent recorded in the 2017 survey.

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The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) is introducing new services to make it easier for people who are hard of hearing or have a visual impairment to serve as jurors. The new services have been developed in response to the recommendations made in the Enabling Jury Service report drawn up

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New specialised evidence facilities in Glasgow have been formally opened. The Glasgow Evidence and Hearings Suite provides facilities to let child witnesses pre-record their evidence and for vulnerable witnesses to give evidence remotely. The suite also provides hearing rooms for the Additional Supp

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A new initiative will see three sheriff courts, Dundee, Hamilton and Paisley, piloting a new approach to test the benefits of stronger judicial case management and earlier engagement with the Crown and defence agents in summary cases. These pilots follow on from other Scottish Courts and Tribunals S

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Details of non-immigration judicial review cases proceeding to a substantive hearing in the Court of Session are now being published online. Information now available on the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) website includes a brief case summary, together with information on the date perm

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The first digital evidential hearing in a simple procedure case took place last month in Aberdeen Sheriff Court. This was a significant event as it introduced the first civil case in the UK to be processed from end to end by digital means.

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Courts in the north and north-east face "significant" delays and increased costs as thousands of people fail to appear for court cases every year, The Press and Journal reports. Since 2015, officials have granted more than 10,000 arrest warrants to track people who have failed to appear in the dock,

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The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has installed public access defibrillator (PADs) in all of the SCTS buildings across Scotland. All of the PADs have been registered with the Scottish Ambulance Service and there have to date been three occasions when members of the public have been di

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