The 2019 Parliament has exposed systematic weaknesses in the UK constitution, according to members of the United Kingdom Constitution Monitoring Group (UKCMG).
Fiona Killen asks whether the Sewel convention is fit for purpose following years of constitutional rancour between Holyrood and Westminster. The Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee (CEEACC) of the Scottish Parliament was busy last year, producing seven reports, one focusing
The UK government's Internal Market Bill is "contrary to the rule of law" and risks destabilising the UK's constitutional settlement, a Lords committee has said. In its report on the bill, which it said is "without precedent", the Constitution Committee added that the government has given no "satisf
The Scottish government has said it is "impossible" to recommend that the Scottish Parliament gives consent to the UK government's Internal Market Bill. The bill engages the Sewel Convention and therefore requires the consent of Holyrood.